Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Assignment 20 Christmas story

Once uppon a time their was a little girl that woke up on christmas eve all alone. She rushed out of bed and put on her "pantuflas" (flippers) and walked over to her window. As she looked down she didn't spot her parents red car parked in the drive way. That smile she had went down to a frown. As she walked back to her bed tears rolled down her check she tought 'Don't my parent's love me?" Why arn't we a familly like everybody else is. I only live with my grandparents. as i was thinking my grandmother comes it through the door singing chrismas charles and with a glass of oatmeal. I wish you a merry christmas i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!! " Ya levantate mija" As i got up to kiss my grandmother on the chek she handed me the glass of oatmeal and hugged me and i said wait grandma are my parents ever comming back? She turned back and hugged me even tighter and kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

I knew that something was going on. My parents weren’t home. I had a feeling that something bad had happened. I rushed down stair and flew past my grandpa. Woow woow wow calm down mija. Yeah Merry Christmas to you too? Oh yeah sorry grandpa. I hugged and kissed him on the cheek as I wished him a Merry Christmas and a Happy new. As I ran back into the living room to go get the house phone. I rushed back into my room to go get my journal were I had my mom and dads cell phone numbers. As I nervously diled the number it was out of service area. The first thought I had was “Damn what if something bad happened and they can’t call anyone for help because their I a stranded place where

Assignment 19 Short story

Once upon a time there was a fish. He lived in water world and loved to go party with his crew named the wet and wild. The wet and wild crews were big O’ gangsters that broke cars fins. They carried around big guns. One time they went to a club called the drunken clam. They danced all night until their fins cracked. They met two fishes just like them. Their names were sandy and wetty. Sandy and Wetty were very popular and wore the nicest calm shoes. They costed up to 400 crabs. These girls were the first ones to get into their little crew the wet n wild.

Now there were 6 people in the wet n wild. Their names were Coral, Parana witch we called chomps, Squid ward which we called squirts. Jellyster witch was therefore called stinger and Sandy and Wetty. They soon became very good buddies and though they were the biggest badest group of them all. The wet and wild crew loved jelly fishing. So every once in a while they would hang out. It was very rare when they weren’t together they were inseparable. They did everything together. Went to eat, swimming, fishing, and when midnight strolled along they would crack the cars side fins. They would jelly fished their house and broke their window. Once the house owners came out they would get stinged by jelly fishes and the wet and wild crew would just watch and laugh as they ran away. They put jelly all over their enemy’s cars and leave it over night next morning their cars color would be faded and the paint would be coming off. They would laugh and get a kick of seeing other people suffer until their the next day.

One day they were bored and chomps had a good idea. He called everybody up and told them to meet up at the drunken clam to plan their next attack. When everybody was gathered around chomps decided it would be a good idea to go rob the hammerhead bank. Wetty and Sandy would be used as a distraction, while squirts and stinger would go around to the vault and take every single crab there was out and keep it for them self. What chomps wasn’t expecting was that Mr. Hammer head was going to be at the bank that day. Everyone in water world knew that when he was around all the electric eel cops would be around.

So early the next morning Sandy and Wetty took off on their mission. When Squirts and stinger got to the vault the eels came around they scram hands up. Luckily for squirts and stinger, chomps was on the top level shooting down at the eel cops. Soon a riot started and all of the wet and wild crew took out their AK 47’s and started shooting but more eel cops came and the crew got taken down! Their crew ended up getting split up and arrested and that was the last time they ever heard of the wet and wild crew.

Assignment 17 Lone Ranger and Tonto

In Lone ranger and Tonto their was a lot of meanings that cought my attention for example the one where at the ending where they dropped his dads ashes in the water seeing him as a fish. To me thats the nices thing someone could say. I understood that saying as if even though your ded and ima through your ashes in water is like reving your sole but as a fish to be free to do whatever makes you happy. You can go to that bridge and just sit their watching the water and stare at the plain water and be alble to say yes my dad is happy.

Assignment 18 "Poem The Leadership"

Robbing blind
without being blilnd.
Now theirs a need
to lean on a sholder.
Don't carry
someone elses
Don't lock yourself out
of the world.
Lying to
your shadow.
Dont't lear what could be
You see
 a rock
with no movement
you say it's
but in reality that's the
thought of

Monday, November 22, 2010

Assignment #16 "The Journey"

  Once upon a time it was late at night and there was nothing but pure darkness. The night was shaded in a hot pink color. Reminded me of cotton candy. Just by looking at the clouds got me hungry. There was no food no water or clothing but a cabin. I went into the cabin. It was dark and at the far end I saw a bright light. It was fire flies in a little jar with a handle at the top. I’ve never seen it before. I went towards the light and their it was a blanket and a pillow. I was so tired that just by looking at it made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. So I layed on it and once my head touched the pillow it felt like if I was flying in the air on a pillow I started counting sheep right away. That night I slept so comfortable that I had my first dream ever. I have no family or friends the only thing I had always wished for was a sister. I needed company. That very night she came alive. It was a miracle. I saw my twin sister for once. She had long silky black hair all the way down to her lower back. She was light brown skin colored and colored eyes. I went to the beach and their she was in a long white skirt and brown shirt. I couldn’t believe what was before my eyes. As I walked towards her she faded into the water. Next thing you know I wake up in the same ugly dripping with water cabin. But yet I saw something unusual it was the girl in my dreams doing a camp fire only by herself. Once I sat down she talked to me she said “You hungry?’’ I have never heard anyone with that type of accent. I was speechless. I stared at her as she handed me a rock with green looking stuff on it. I grabbed the rock and she smiled. “What’s this?” I asked. She replied “Monsushi” I thought for a while monsushi? What the hell could this be? Is it what I think it is worms and leafs? Naaah it couldn’t be. So I brought up the rock and took a little bit. It was not as bad as it looks. It really doesn’t have a real good smell to it ither. As we both munched on the monsushi I asked her questions “What’s your name?” Sadaf she replied. Does Sadaf mean anything? Yes it means Pearl. As the questions went on I told her my name as well which is Sabita. Sabita means beautiful sunshine.

As Sadaf and I got to know each other better we went for a walk. We went to go see what’s around the cabin. There were just rocks and a nice view of heights. As the sun went down the stars kept on showing up more and more. Sadaf was one of a kind. I had never met someone so different from the outside world. She knew how to do everything. She told me a story of the last moments that she had spent with her mom.

Once when I was 5 her mom came home from shopping for snakes to take on the trip. My mom and I were off to see the cabin stream hill. That place was one of the most dangerous place to go visit. But my mom had heard that it’s beautiful and green and nice for a summer vacation. So as they traveled towards the east to the cabin stream hills a few miles away from their a bear came out from the top of the mountain and as the bear approached my mother she scream run Sadaf I can take care of this. I turned around and ran as fast as I could but my knees were weak I knew I couldn’t leave my mom alone but I was too little to help out. At that very moment I didn’t seem to care so I ran towards the mountain and got a log and did a circle shape around it as I sharpened it and used it as a bow and arrow. I got closer to my mom seeing her struggle and fight for her life as a warrior I threw it hoping that it wouldn’t hit my mom. You just hear the stick grind and rip into the flesh of the bear. As the bear fell backwards I called out to my mom. Mama! Mama! Mama! She looked at me and smiled I am proud of you Sadaf. You’re soon going to be a big and could take care of yourself. She fell down and I kneeled down and kissed my mom on the four head meaning that she is very brave and showing her how much you love her. She said rubbing my cheek with her index and middle finger as she bleed to death from a wound the bears clause have given her. I love you Sadaf….

My eyes got all watery and I started crying. MAMA! MAMA! MAMA! NOOO... Ever since then I have been making my mom proud taking care of myself. You see this? As I looked around her neck was a bear tooth. She said that’s the only memory that I have from my mom. Sadaf and I have so much in common my parents got in a car crash on their way back to come look for mi. We were both lost in this world now we had to do everything to find our self and what made it even better. Amazingly we became soul sister and made a promise to always be together and ever since then I have been the sunlight and Sadaf the pearl which Indicates the moon we came together as family. As we both became warriors. Two of the toughest young ladies of this world. The cabins were home sweet home for me and my new sister.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Assignment#15 Multiple intelligence essay

   In my opinion I think that it’s true. Because when you get a stick and for example let’s say that the left end is happiness and the right is anger. Either way when you try to get rid of the anger no matter what you do it is always going to be there. All you have to do is that you have to take control of your life. Like that man was trying to teach that kid whatever you do there is going to be things that you don’t like in life but there is nothing you can do other than take control. Like the kid kept breaking a piece of the right which is anger and every time he would be breaking a piece their always ended up to be anger. He seemed confused at first but after he kept breaking the stick he got it could have been the smallest stick ever and it would still have anger. I think that should be turned into a wisdom quote.

My opinion about what that man was teaching the kid a life lesson is that you can do so much but sooner or later it gets back to you. For example if I would do something like kill someone I will eventually get caught and I would get jail time for more than 20 years probably even more. For example I think that the wisdom the man was trying to teach is also like karma in a way. Because whatever you do you’re going to get pay back either way. Like if you murder someone eventually that bad piece of the stick is going to get to you and you’re going to end up regretting what you have done.

I also admire that instead of saying it that he made him realize it by himself. Instead of saying “look sunny whatever you’re going to do there is always going to be a bad side” He made it simpler just by that stick example. I think that that man is very wise. When I heard that story in class it reminded me of my uncle. Because my uncle would see me doing bad things but he wouldn’t tell us but one thing that he would make sure that I wouldn’t get hurt really bad. He wouldn’t tell me not to do it because he would know that I was going to do it either way. After all of the things would happen he would laph at me and say that im very intelligent. At first I thought it was a complement but it really wasn’t. Now that I am a lot older and can actually think it is kind of offensive. But yet I thought I was multi intelligent when I just had one intelligence and that was screwing up in life.

My family lets us learn our lesson by it happening to us they don’t tell us because the culture I come from is very stubborn and we think what we say is always going to be correct which is a no not always true. We just get blinded by our self’s it’s like stabbing yourself in the back. Like that one quote that says love blinds. Well it is actually true. I should know from experience. Like the stick I was defending something that I knew was wrong but I was blinded with love. At the moment I didn’t think it was love it was stupidity. Because my ex would scream at me and I would cover up his mistakes by making myself look bad. Then I come back to the stick thing that there was always innocence and stupidity all over me. I was trying to get rid of the blindness which is in reality me being stupid. The stick that I had always ended up having the same anger as the little kid that was trying to get rid of it. Some people just have to learn the hard way. Like me all stubborn Hahaha

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Assignment:14 "School Uniforms"

I personally think that there is no point in using uniforms. Because uniforms don’t change acts. Yes it may change appearance but there is always going to be someone doing something that the principal don’t agree with. For example the principal demands dress codes because teenagers now days wear dickies and sag and wear spaghetti strap shirts, mini shorts, skirts, shirts . My opinion is that when the principal notices a group of people wearing the same color and hanging out they think is gang related. Because I have seen it happen. I am a teenager who knows how it feels like to have to wear uniforms for a whole year. To tell you the truth it REALLY SUCKS.

It can be a good thing because when you wake up you don’t have to choose your outfit because your going to be wearing the same three colors everyday. Either way your still going to end up looking the same. You will sometimes be less distracted becase with the school uniforms that you will be provided are mostly button up shirts that way girls can’t show cleavage. Some schools seek improvement because most students choose who to hang out with by their appearance. Like that quote says “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Well that’s how students decide who are they going to be friends with. I know that is true because of my past experience. I was judged like that and I myself have judged people like that as well. The other good thing about uniforms is that you can’t be violating the dress code with gang related clothes.

From my point of view some people feel like if their right is taken away. The right of being able to choose your appearance and being able to were what you want to wear. We feel like if we can’t do anything were trapped in a small cage. That’s one of the reasons people tag they think by tagging in a way their getting back at the school principal. Some of us think that if you dress like if you respect the school and it’s property that you won’t get caught doing bad stuff you can make yourself as if you were innocent. I mean wee teenagers we still have to look good boys sag girls expose.
  I think that school uniforms are useless. If teachers don’t wear them it is not fair that students mandatorily have to wear them. My opinion about uniforms that they are uncomfortable and ugly. Yes, it is true that you show pride in your school and respect and also by representing school colors. Even though it is way easier in the morning still you get tired of wearing the same three pairs of clothes over and over again. I hate having to wear the same three shirts for a whole year.

I have had school uniforms through all middle school. It really sucked. I hated it. Because I would always see teachers and the school principal wearing whatever they want and we would be in the back wearing our ugly itchy uniforms. My middle school principal would not allow skirts, spaghetti strap shirts, shorts, or any clothes with writing on it. It pissed me off because everything we were allowed to wear was plain just one color.

When I used to go you would get signatures I think for doing something good that a teacher liked or something and you would earn a pass. The gold one was the best because if you got one on that Friday you would be able to wear whatever you want but how I said only plain stuff. I would wear a South Pole shirt or jacket and I would get it taken away because supposedly it was gang related. I thought that was dumb. I remember because I wore a South Pole shirt that was like the size of a muscle shirts “three finger with” I got it taken away. It was a cool shirt but the principal thought I was disrespectful because of it. The security came up to me and asked me where your pass is and I showed him the gold pass you know so they would know I had permission to wear that. They took me to the office. You may ask why and it’s because my name wasn’t written on the pass. I was like oh my god!! So yeah I went to the office and they gave me this ugly extra large shirt and pointed to the bathroom they told me okay go change so I did. I had to wear that ugly shirt for that whole day. After school I went for the shirt and I couldn’t get it my mom had to be the one to get it but my mom never wanted to so I have never seen that shirt ever again.

I didn’t get it I thought to myself huh maybe all schools are like this. But no. My cousin proved me wrong Truman was the only strict school. Yeah I know we have to wear uniforms for our own safety so if a visitor comes or someone else they would know if he is allowed on campus. That’s how they would see who is not supposed to be in our school zone.

I have nothing against uniforms I just strongly dislike wearing them. If Atrisco Heritage Academy High School would force us to wear uniforms I would transfer out. I know it’s dumb just to transfer out just because of that but that’s my strong feelings on how I dislike them. Oh and another thing I also hated that we couldn’t were opened toed shoes. No flip flops or high heels. I thought that was bull not being able to wear flip flops. But yet when you would ask for the principal you would see her all comfortable in opened toed her high heels, skirts and exposing. That was no respect for herself.

I think if they are going to make us wear uniforms we should all be equal teachers, students and everybody on campus grounds. I think that it’s cool to be able to have al little freedom being able to wear whatever you like. That’s one of the reasons that I can’t wait to go college. I hate when teachers say that the school you are attending is a college preparing school when actually you are treated like a little kid. Like at my schools they repeat the same thing over and over wear your id’s wear your id’s wear your id’s. I feel like saying oh my god just freaking do it damn!

If I were to run a school I would let student’s voices and choices run the school we would have a 30 minute period to be able to relax socialize and text. I would at least allow some freedom to use cell phones during lunch. That is my opinion about wearing uniforms. If you want to keep your student’s happy no uniforms.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment 13 Haloween Haiku

Howling a warning
The night is shaded in black
Candy is what's free tonight.

Assignnment 12 The black cat

I think that the symbolisum of the first cat is vilence because he takes it out all on his pets. The narrator became an alcoholic and the result was that he became moody and violent. First, he abused pets such as the rabbits and the monkey. He admits that soon he was even violent towards his wife. For a while, however, Pluto was immune to the disintegration of the narrator’s personality. However, Pluto was no longer protected by his favored status. In a fit of anger, the narrator cut the cat’s eye out of its head. At first, the narrator feltt bad but he was soon able to drown the memory in alcohol.
The cat recovered but was scared of the narrator. The cat’s wariness irritated the narrator who out of a spirit  hung the cat. On that same night, the narrator’s house and all his possessions were consumed by fire. The next day, on a piece of wall that remained standing "a piece of wall that stood at the head of the narrator’s bed". The image had a rope around its neck.The narrator was shaken by the vision but quickly puts together a logical explanation for the image that was on the wall. Despite his reasoning, the narrator was haunted by the image of that cat and soon felt a need to acquire a similar cat to replace the old one. One night, while he was drunk, he found a suitable cat at and then  as he intended it to purchase it. However, it belonged to no one.the cat followed him home.
    The cat, like his predecessor, was missing an eye. Unlike his predecessor, the cat had a white marking on his chest that resembled the gallows. The cat became a favorite of the narrator’s wife but almost immediately, the narrator took an intense dislike to the animal. However, the more he detested the cat, the more closely the cat attached itself to him, and, in turn, the more he detested it. The narrator confessed that he got to the point that he wanted to kill the cat but the remembrance of Pluto and his crime staid his hand, as he feared the create.The narrator’s account breaks into superstitious ramblings and fear. One day the narrator, his wife, and the cat descended the stairs into the cellar of the building where they lived. The cat tripped the narrator. The narrator was enraged and lifts an ax to kill the cat. However, his wife stopped the blow. This enraged the narrator further and he buried the ax in his wife’s brai.The murder was intentional. He supplies irrevocable evidence when he says that with the “hideous murder accomplished” he could now set about the task of concealing the body. He goes into detail about the various possibilities he considered before settling on walling her up in the basement. The narrator goes on to describe in minute detail the process of walling up his wife’s corpse and of removing all signs of activity in the basement. As the narrator relays the details of hiding the body and of the subsequent search by authorities.further evidence of his unreliability comes to light in his referring to killing his wife.The narrator seemed to feel that he had found peace. The cat was gone and the narrator was sure that no one would discover his secret. Inquiries and searches were made and no evidence was found. However, doubt must have lingered in the minds of the policeman. A second search was made at the house of the narrator. The narrator was confident that he would not be found out and wanted to make a boast to satisfy his own triumph, so he rapped sharply on the wall behind which his wife’s corpse was hidden and boasted about the solid build of the house. Immediately an inhuman wail emitted from the tomb.The police quickly tore down the wall to find the rotten corpse of the narrator’s wife with the cat sitting on her head. The narrator then blames the cat for his situation saying cat was a beast ‘whose craft had seduced me into murder and whose informing voice had consigned me to the hangman.

Assignment 11 The Concrete Rose

Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk without having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared.
The meaning of this poem means that when theirs only one their unique and hardly seen. When he says about the flower tht grew from a crack in the concrete it's an example of a baby. Because a baby can't provide what it needs he can't walk and all his looking in his family is love and someone that could love him. When he found somone it's when the baby is not in it's mothers woon. It comes out for the first time breaths air and sees the real life.When i hear this poem it gives me an image of a pregnant lady. Because how the flower grows out of the crack it the babe grows in the woond. No one else cares for that baby other than it's mother. If it's own mother dosn't care for that child who will. No one is taking care of other peoples stuff to have preety roses you have to water them and take care of them and keep things that are around their safe.Same here with the baby you have to take care of him feed it shower ir keep it in a safe enviorment. I think that 2 pac wrote this poem to all pregnant woman. I love this poem i think that it is so cute how it says something but when you think about it. the poem has a meaning that touches you. I thinnk 2 pac is so creative in his writing and composig his music he knows what to give public. I  can relate to some of his music and like this poem reminds me of when i was in my momys tummy. How the first months your all happy and exited and never had that warm loving feeling of carrieng a baby. That's how the flower that grew out of a crack you never see a flower on the sement unless someone drops a rose or something it's like the first time you get pregnant.

  I  think that it could also mean set your mind to something you will be able to accomplish it. Because think about it how many people set their mind to something and accomplish his/her dreams. It happens but it is very rare like the flower that grew on the concrete crack. I belive that you can accomplish anything you want you just need to put your mind to it.. no one ever said that it was going to be easy. Life is not easy. It's going to be tough but eventually it's going to pay off. Like going to college. It is going to be challenging. For example i want to be a pediatrition it is going to take me atleast 6 or 8 years. But your going to love what you are doing and get payed alot for that. It's going to pay off because when you have to do something that you don't want to.
  When i see the picture of the beautiful rose growing out of the concrete it's more than a picture it has a meaning. You have to look very deep and find your self like that in the world. You stand out even though you don't know it. Everybody has a diffrent talent you just have too look deep in yourself. Life is no game it's about creating yourself and preparing your self for the after death. Because im catholic and i strongly belive that when i die their is more than what we have lived. Like how it says in the bible if you do bad things without regreting it or saying sorry and commiting it to god because you  know that he sees everything.. its like a bird at a beach picking up one grain of sand a traveling across the world. Until it is finished with picking up every grain of sand that their is at the beach.. Like when god sees someone become a drug dealer and a gang banger.. He dosn't see oh hes doing this because he needs the money he sees more deep. He sees that he thinks this is the only way to have a father son relation ship with these big drug dealers. He sees that he had no father growing up he lived with his single mother. He fell in the wrong foot steps of being in the street..

Assignment 10 Bullying

I have been bullied before. I was bullied in all through middle school. I was bullied because i was a nerd. I dresed nerdy and just had that  nerdy attitude. Ok so i remember this day were their was this guy that i liked when we were alone or when he wanted to copy my work he would be nice to me. But noo when his damn friends came along he was a lil bitch to me. We would be laphing and i would be helping him and we were learning together. When his friends were their when he was with me he would call me rude names that put mee down like Skinny bitch miget and white ass. Big foot. When i would go turn in my work and was walking towards my seat they would trip me and when i was about to sit down they would pull my chair back and i would fall they would laph. When they would do that i would think of doing suicidal things. I think that people should not do that because it is a put down for the one being bullied. That's onne of the reasons why someone would think of dropping out. I have never bullied anyone. And what i think is wird they bullie people smaller than them and that seem weeker and they know that they won't fight back. When i saw the movie that Mr.Leh showed us i felt bad inside that i wanted to get up and stand up for that kid. I have always seen kids get bullied but i stayed queiet because thoes people bulling that person were bulling me ass well and no one alse did anything to help me. I though it was mean when the principal said boys will be boys. But i bet you anything if the bullies parents knew that they were gitting bullied they would be pisst. When i saw one of my friends getting bullied and eventually beat up and jumped because she stood up for herself it made me feel bad because i could have gotten help or stoped it but i didn't do anything i was just standing their in shock. I feel like i participated in the beating what i did was the most hurtful thinng that had happend to her. She told me your my best friend and you turned away and didn't back me up when i needed you. she called me a too faced freind witch i fellt bad because i knwe that i could have helped. If that would have happend to me i would like for her to be their tto back me up and support me. Now i realized how much of a good friend that i am...

  It breaks my heart to know that i turned my back on my own best friend. I don't belive in best friends anymore because of an experience that i have had. Once again i say carma is a bitch.. I don't like knowing that i got payed in that matter of getting beat up and tesed on all my life. But i have learned the hard way no one is going to be their to deffend you. You have to stand up for yourself and deffend what is yours. Don't let people push you around and don't make the mistake i made.. I was seeing friends and younger people get pushed around and i would laph why you may ask i honestly don't know. I think becasue i couldn't stand up for my self why do it for them.. i would laph and think mabe i would blend in and they will stop picking on me. their was a time just one time where i pushed around this little girl because thoes guys told me too and i would be cool from now on. so i pushed he around the hall and triped her she  fell and everybody started laphing and i didn't realize thath the little girl was someone i knew. when she saw my smile on my face she got up picked up all her stuff and left crying and ashamed.. Instead of feeling good i felt bad and i will always regret that day and that smile i had when i look at myself in the mirror that image of her on the floor teering and everybody laphing kills me from the inside..

Assignment 9 Alien contact

The otherday at school me and my friends took lunch in our little cute lunch boxes  but something oftly ocuard was happening to mine. I noticed the bright green glow across the playground. I told my friends look look lokk. They were all looking at me like if i were crazy.THey were all what are you talking about? You want us to see what their was nothing their.Once they turned in the direction i was pointing to the bright green light went away. I was scared. Jane and jacob were like what the heck is wrong with liz.At first i was thinkin i was crazy but i kept seeing the lightt. Everybody got their lunch box and sat down to eat. I was so scared to even get close to mine. But eventually my stomach was grouling so much that my tummy started to hurt that i grabbed the lunch box without thinking. I opend it and layed it on my lap and reached in. Instead of feeling a lil bag that mysandwich was in i felt a furry thing.  looked in and their it was a fuzzy lil thing. I scream and droped my luch box. I got up as fast as i could and my eyes were teering because i was so scared. My friends said what's what's wrong? What is it?I pointed to my lunch box. My friend poked it with the tip of his shoe and the next thing you know a small cuddely thing crawled out. and my twinky raper was empty.. We all scram and huddled in a little circle. we looked at it and it wasn't scarry at all it was actually preety cute.I walked towards it and grabed it.
    Once i grabed it  had burped. It was so cute. i wanted to keep it so i shoved him in my backpack and we went to class. The little alien made no noise at all it feel fast asleep inn my backpack i was relived because i wouldn't know what to tell my teacher if she would have found out i had an alien in my backpack she would flip[ out and say i was crazy. Once the bell rang so we can go home i ran to my house so exited that i woke it up and it was making wird noises. i got scared  and took it out and you would hear it try to talk. all you wold hear it say is tweenky. It wanted another one of my tweenkies. Once i got home i noticed that no one was home so i got a tweenky from the kitchen and feed it to him. It ate it almost in one bite. I didn't belive it how did it get in my lunch box. Who could have put it their?? at first i though it was a prank from one of my friends but how would they manege to put it in my lunch box without me noticing? I said naa  it was majic it's meant to be. It's my new pet.. so days later the alien was getting attached to me. so i knew that i couldn't leave it alone. So i went in the shower and left it on the toilet cap while i took a shower. and to know that it was playing when the toilet paper. when i got out their was a big mess. and to know that it ws tring to get out and breath because it is allergic to water.. After that i noticed a lot of wird things happening. In the news it says that everything is diying and at nite their is a light comming down from the sky. it was the parents looking for their lost alien. They knew he was introuble because of the screaching noise it would do when it was near water..
  Weeks later it would sleep near the window scaratching it when he was seeing  the light knowing that his parents were looking for him.. On cold night i saw the window open and nevermore was the alien their.. it was gone safe and back with its parents where it belongs

Friday, October 1, 2010

Assignment 6 "I DREAM A WORLD"

I dream a world were all family would reunite. Where peace lives within us. I dream a world with no racisum and harsh judgment upon us.You will never be undeer peer pressure. No one will take advantage of your inoccence. I wish to live in a world were everybody is respected and not judged by lower classed people or higher class people.Because no one starts at the top you go from the bottem to the top just like you go from left to right not the other way around. Don't judge by apperence for example if you see an old lady walking down the street your probably thinking that old jag. But you never know how she was when she was your age. She could have been very popular back in her day. I personally know how it feels like to be judged bullied and threathend to be jumped. I personally think that i have been through hell but that's not a reason to give up on life. I have learned it the hard way. I have learned to treat people how you want to be treated i have also learned that by your actions your showing people how you want to be treated. If you don't respect yourself that shows that you can't respect others and you bring around negative people when you have that type of body language. If you don't stand up for yourself then that shows people a sign of weekness and that's why you end up getting bullied or bothered. You make your life how you want it like when people say my life sucks well duuhh because your making it suck. I wish to live in a world full of mistakes.Because if it wern't for mistakes we wouldn't learn from our faliures so our mistakes can he;p up become better people. That's why i strongly belive in carma. I think carma exists so that we can learn our lessonwe don't know how much something hurts until it has been done to us. Because when your going out withsome one and you cheat on them. They get all woonded  and sad. You just feel bad and are all uhh whatever. But when it  happens to you that's when you start biching. I dream a world were i can sees the day.. I dream a world where their is no hunger or homless people. Always do good because you ccan never betray your own being. You can do anything. No one can betray their own shadow. I want to bettermyself that's why i don't let go of my childhood dreams i set the bar higher. I dream a world of open minded people.If your an oppen minded person you can be pursuade and see things in another way. Like they say Hey mabe the grass is greener on the other side...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Assignment 8 "Self-Value"


Jealousy is the fear of your loved one wanting you less.You need to value your self and the things you have. Like Jeniffer James quotation "Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative - self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them." I agree with Jeniffer that if you don't love yourself you don't think that anyone else loves you. But the reality is that jealousy is just what you think is going on in your head but you want that person to be so up tight on you that

Sunday, September 26, 2010

BOOK REPORT "The break up bible" By:melissa Kantor

Jen Lewis is a Junior and was having a great year and she also is the features editor of the school newspaper but she was dating Max Brown the paper editor in cheif.Everything was going great untilmax says "Mabe it would de better if we were just friends" It got very complicated for gen. She had to see him everyday after school. Jen was so deppresed even her Nana noticed that she was upset so she gave Jen a book called "The break up bible" Dr.Emerson is the author of this book. Dr.Emerson says "thers no reason why a women can't ger over a break up very quickly if she follows a few basic commandments. Jen is doubtful about this book. But once she starts reading the book the healing begins jen feels a tad better until her friend sayd "you dont need Max" but Jen thought diffrently while getting over her break up with Max she meets another guy and starts leaving max in the past memories.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Show and tell

When i was in elementry school i remember the day show and tell like if it was right now. I remember i took my baby blanket. And until today i still have it. I love that blanket with all my heart and i would like to pass it on to my kids. It means a lot to me because when i was born my dad was at da store buying me something so he wasen't their. A little while after my dad walked in with my blanket and he wraped me in it and that was the first time he has saw and held me. i was in my lil blanket! That's why i took my blanket to show and tell.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Haiku (My wisdom Haiku)

Life’s lesson is not about finding yourself it’s about creating yourself...

Spring trees all the same, follower’s fall trees are leaders different colors never the same...

To be a leader you have to shine your own light, every leader is like a shooting star...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My sophomore year!

My sophomore year at Atrisco has been a great experience. Atrisco has very smart and great teachers that prepare us for the future. I also love that this school is a ‘’college prep’”. Atrisco has very good qualities such as... good environmental place to work, Teachers that help students keep on trying and not to give up. Atrisco provides us with so many things like good food, safety.

My experience at Atrisco has thought me so much about myself. It has brought out a good side of me that not even I knew. I learned how to be myself and overcome whatever problems I had. I learned how to kind of loose my stage fright. Well I am still kind of afraid of speaking in front of a crowd. I am working on that hoping to get better. I learned how to be smart at school for example by being more active.

I truly agree that self esteem shows up in your grades. I believe that because my self esteem shows up in mine. I think it also really counts with who you hang out with like that Spanish saying... “dime con quién te juntas y te diré quien eres.” That means tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are. I think that shy people live like in their own little world. In my opinion shy people should hang out with outgoing people. I think that because they can’t be scared and shy all their life. They have to speak up for them self’s. They need to have a voice in this world. I talk from experience. I use to be shy, but I started hanging out without going people and look at me know I have came out of my shell!

I academically changed. My teachers and my friends have helped me change, and become who I am right now! I love the way that I have become. I give thanks for all my teachers! ESPECIALLY YOU MR.LEH!!! Thank you for help me come out of my shell. Make us speak in front of the class when we had to do our debates. I have also learned how to write ever since you came along. I will come back like in 10 years to congratulate you saying thank you for helping me get this far. Without you I wouldn’t have been here were I am right now.

Well I have learned so much more. Like respect, self confidence, discipline, and also hard work!I love my new school. It’s awesome. I also can’t believe that we class of 2012 are going to be the first graduating class!! Yay!! How exited I can’t wait to be a senior and be graduating. I will always have pride in this school. I will always be a “Jaguar”. I seriously have learned so much is too many things to explain. Thank god for giving me an opportunity to come to this school and find myself. I would just like to say this is so true “IF IT’S MEANT TO BE IT’S UP TO ME”

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My anything blog

Have you ever dram anyting and it's happend to you like in real life not in dream land? Okay well i have been having this one dream over than like 5 times it's not even funny it's really skary!! Well the first time i dream about a big dog! Okay so then i asked my cousin 'Maria" if she wanted to sleep over and she said sure but she said at her house. Okay anyways so my uncle got drunk and my antie and my cousins don't like to be around him when he is drunk because drunk people cand get anoying and stuff. okay so i went to go get clothes at my cousins house "my clothes" So my auntie took me their. So it was dark and my auntie parked by the side of the house and since im teriffied of the dark she had left the car lights on High beem. Okay so then i went in from the backyard gate and some how i got on the roof and i saw the dog and it like had super powers or something that it jumped really high. I couldn't open the door so i went running down and looked in the car to check if my auntie was in their and so she can open the car door. Okay so no one was in the car the dog was chasing me i was really scared. Okay and like i started running and some how i lost the dog. Okay so then the cuartito was open. I guess the dog was hungry and looking for food and since i am all bony it probably wanted my bones lol. Well  then i looked in the cuartito and the dog was their and all of the sudden you just see my cousing whisper in a high pitch the dog is right their! i got really scared i had fallen so my leg hurted and i couldn't walk. Okay so the dog spotted me and then i tryed closing the wood doorr and the dog was stronger than me so it opend it and out of nowhere the dog started talking to me and pulled out a gun on me and was pointing it at me. And my cousin appered in time and shot it in the nogging aka head. And it died.Well i am so affraid of dogs because when i use to be small i had a small puppy named blacky you would wonder why it's cause it was a black dog. okay well it grew up and i was smaller than the dog and we were playing running around the tree so then it jumped on me and bit my nose. It hurt so bad! i started screaming and cryking and now that i think of dogs all i can smell is the onion dog breath!! that is why i am so scared of dogs. That's why that dream freaked me out!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My wisdom quote

 If it's meant to be it's up to me!!! This quotation has inspired into so many things. I think of it this way... if someone puts you down who gives a damn! if it's meant to be it's up to me for example you can pressue anything in life if you put your mind to it. That what the quotation means to me. It can also be so many more things like if you can make your dreams come true you just have to follow them. I love this quotation it is a keeper. If you say it's meant for you to be a pediatrition you have the decison for you to be able to become that. It's meant to me is like saying if i want to become that i will and no one can stop me. You can never get on the wrong path if you follow your drams. No one can put you down because you ar lisstening to your heart and soul. I remember when i was a kindergardner the teacher asked me.."What do you want to be when you grow up?" I responded i want to be a model. I remember this one girl named kimberly saying to me your never going to become one your too ugly.. I started crying. I felt as if she was saying the truth i can never become that. I am to ugly. Well she crushed my dreams. She made me start thinking negative. Well now that i remember that now in my teenage years i Laugh. I don't give a rat's ass if she thought i could be one or not. If i really put my mind to it i could be one. If that's what is meant to be it is up to ME!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If i could be anybody i would be a pediatrition. I would like to be a pediatrition because i love to work with babie's. I think babie's are so cute. Babie's are like my soft spot. It hurts me so much when i know that someone is wanting to abort or has aborted. Babies are my passion their my life my everything!! I would like to be a pediatrition just to know what it is like and f i would like to be that profession when i grow up! Because i am not really sure if i want to be a pediatrision or hairstylist and everything that has to do with nails hair make up shoes and clothes well lets just say fashion. I dream of my future being all of that like having two part time jobs of doing the two things that i love


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I have been betrayed by so many ways and so many people. I have been blinded by love and betrayed. But the most hurtful betrayal is when one of your family members betrays you. It hurts to try to keep a deep dark secret from a loved one. But it may sometimes be useful because if you don’t keep that secret from that person they can go into depression and get really sad. That's not something someone would want. But I also think its pretty messt up that someone could be such a cold hearted person. I don't really feel confident saying what that something is because it's a secret but it's a family betrayal and it has to do with love as well. I think it's wrong to keep secrets away from your loved ones but like the saying says "ojos que no ven corazon que no siente" That is practically saying eyes that don’t see what you’re doing behind their back heart that doesn’t get hurt. I think it's true but it's wrong to go behind someone’s back and do that. I talk because of experience. I have been a cold hearted person and went out to the park while I was going out with my boyfriend. But it's because I didn't know what it was like to go hang out with some other guy. I thought I was doing the right thing. Well no not really because when my boyfriend called me I answered and everything but I lied when he would ask me "Where are you at?" I didn't want him to know that I was waiting for another guy. But I mean it was just a friend I didn't like him or anything. Well when he got their we played soccer. When I was blocking him from getting past me he like was going for a tackle but instead he hugged me and put me on his shoulder. My face was facing towards the ground but my butt was facing the sky. But after that I wanted to go home so I told him, "You know what...... I want to go home". So yeah since I live about four blocks away from the park we walked home.

We were almost home so we passed this big street and cars were coming. So that weirdo decided "Oh let me walk slow in the middle of the street to see what Elizabeth do" Okay so I ran to the other side of the street and all you here is cars beeping and people saying get out of the way. So I turned around and I saw him walking slower than a snail on the middle of the street. So I ran back to where he was, I grabbed him by his hand and say Andale vente ya. So I focally pulled him out of the way. Once we got to the other side of the street he grabbed me and kissed me. But I didn't kiss him back. I said what the hell was that you know I have a boyfriend and he was all like. Yeah I know. And we were almost home when you see a green Chevrolet truck pass by all fast. Well finally I got home and my boyfriend called me. He asked me where you at are and I responded at home why? He said did you go anywhere and I responded no. That very second I felt so guilty. Then I told him " I I I I gotta go". Okay so then I hung up and started crying because I felt so guilty. And he called me like five minutes later. He said you went to the park with a guy huh? I was all like No why you say that. And then he told me just because my friend told me she saw you kissing him and having a good time. But only his ex girlfriend was at the park. That I knew of. But I knew that he didn't even talk to her anymore. All the time I would hear him talk I felt so guilty because I knew it was my fault. I knew that he noticed me acing kind of weird. I couldn't control myself because I knew I did something wrong that I shouldn't have. I thought about telling him but I was scared that he would break up with me! Well when told him the truth we did break up which was really sad. For that day I couldn't sleep of dream anything because all I would think is why did I do it. He broke up with me and all of it was my fault. But he told me that he loved me too much just to leave it here. It made me kind of happy because he accepted my apology. But I wasn't the one to call him which really surprised me! I know that karma is a Bitch. But I knew it just didn't happen just because it happened because what he had done to me in the past. I have betrayed someone and I am going to remember that for the rest of my life. It's sad to know that you have broken someone’s heart. I have been cheated on. Been picked on and backstabbed by my own best friends and family. I say betrayal always has revenge. But I don't believe in me giving the revenge. I think god should deal with that. Because I know karma exists and it hurts 10 times more than what you did. That’s why don’t let anyone put you down or anything stop making you pressue your dreams. Like Mr.Leh always says life isn’t always fair. Betrayals…nah don’t worry about making them suffer let god take care of that. Life is too short. So live life to the fullest and don’t make the same mistake and betray someone. And if you have say sorry to that person. Betrayal and karma are like peanut butter and jelly are good alone but go even better together.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Two and A Half Men

If I could add another episode to the show "Two and a half men" I would make an episode where Charlie marries Rose. Ok so it's Jake’s birthday and rose goes dressed as a clown because she was at another party. Ok well once rose gets to jakes birthday party everybody was already there. Rose just went to go stalk Charlie and not let him be with other girls. Rose is Charlie’s stalker. Charlie wanted to get with Judith's sister. Judith's sister and Charlie had sexual relations at Allan’s and Judith's wedding reception. It all happened in the coat room. Charlie tries to get with her and well she wants a massage from Allan. Ok well they get home and everybody is at the deck and Charlie goes up stairs all pist because Judith’s sister wants Allan and Judith is really jealous. So once Charlie gets to his bedroom rose is right there to surprise him! Charlie got really surprised when he saw rose in a sexy night gown and with rose petals everywhere. He told her "Rose what the hell are you doing here" And rose gets up and says "waiting for you"! Once rose was going to go in for a kiss you hear glass breaking and one he remembered that Judith and Allan and Judith’s sister were downstairs arguing. He pushed rose off and ran downstairs. He found his vodka bottle broken. He went crazy for his vodka bottle he didn't really care about the girls hair pulling and Allan crying and yelling on top of the kitchen table. All of the sudden from the background you hear someone scream "Stop" It was Rose. She told the girls that they are sisters they shouldn't be fighting like animals on the ground. And she told Judith’s sister to stop being a hoe and find a man which is not Charlie or Allan. Judith's sister started crying and ran out the door. Allan explained to Judith that he loves her and Jake very much. Rose told Charlie how he felt and Charlie kissed Rose on the lips. Months later Allan moved out of Charlie’s house and went back to his place. Rose and Charlie got married and rose moved in with Charlie. They had 2 little boys. Rose worked at home she took care of puppies. They got a little brown one they named it cookie! Roses and Charlie’s little boys were twins. Once they got old enough they helped Charlie sing for commercial songs and other stuff like that. And rose helped Berta clean the house. Berta's daughter and rose became best friends. They both went to college and became nurses! Rose became a pediatrition. Charlie and rose were really in love. Allan and Judith didn't fight as much as they use too. Jake was still a little spoiled brat.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Courage and Bravery

The one time that I had to be brave was when my boyfriend broke up with me. He went to my house and he told me lets go outside I need to talk to you. So I was all like alright let’s go. So we went walking around the block. And all of the sudden he stopped and tells me “you know I love you right.” I was all like yeah but why are you acting like you don’t care about me anymore. He said “I do.” Then I told him then tell me what’s happening what do you want to talk about he was all like, “well I’ve been thinking about us and… umm I want to break up” Once I heard that a tear fell down my cheek. My world had just fallen down. He said because I was cheating on him. But I really wasn’t!! When he came closer to me and looked me in the eyes and said, “Te amo Liz” and kissed me on the lips OMG! Then he hugged me and we were holding hands and as he walked away and we were still holding hands you could tell he didn’t want to let go.

 Eventually he did and he teared. I started crying and walked after him but he just kept on walking. Like the saying “ if he’s stupid enough to walk away be smart enough to let him go” So I just sat down on the side walk crying and he turned around and saw me and he came back. He told me “go home” I was like NO! You can’t tell me what to do. You are not my boyfriend. And then there was an oquard silence. And then I stood up and looked at him then turned around as the tear feel from my cheek. He grabbed by my arm and wiped my tear then kissed me and I explained him you know what I wasn’t even cheating on you. And it is really sad that you belived that one person that told you rather than me. He was all like well I noticed that I made a big mistake baby am sorry. Would you please go out with me again? And with all my heart I wanted to say yes but I said, “I love you but I can’t be with a person that doesn’t believe his girlfriend.” And he said but I was all na but nothing. And I hugged him and whispered in his ear I love you. And I walked away. This was one of the hardest moments in my whole entire life.
I really did love him with all my heart. I thought that I was really brave for walking away. IT was so hard I cried a lot. He called me for like three months straight but I kept on ignoring him because I was tired of all that was happening between us. This was also one of the things that changed my life for ever. But know i met sergio and i love him with all my heart now im hopping that same mistake won't happen again....

Monday, April 5, 2010

I AM POEM "911"

I am Curious and Upset
I wonder How can someone be so selfish
I hear Crying
I see Buildings crashing down onto the floor
I want All the killing to stop
I am Curious and Upset
I pretend that their is peace
I feel Tears running down my back
I touch Broken glass
I worry people killing for no reason
I cry Peoples sons and
I am Curious and Upset
I understand racisum exsists
I say we remember this day forever
I dream that some day their be hope
I try keep the world clean
I hope all the killing would stop
I am Curious and Upset

Friday, April 2, 2010

Time Machine

If I were able to create a time machine and go back in time I would change a lot of mistakes I made in life that I regret. One of the mistakes I regret is getting a boyfriend so young and ever since that day my life has changed completely. It's sad because I have done so much bad things that I have hurt others around me without wanting to. I would change things that I have done to my mom like yell at her and make her cry. I would have never wanted to fall in love at such a young age. It's truly sad because I got played. But yet I feel in love with him. I have faked my own being just so I can fit in. I have insulted so many people because someone says to do it if I want to be popular like them. I would do other people's actions just to make someone think I’m color so once I was in my English class and this popular guy just threw my book on the floor and all his STUPID friends started laughing. That really ticked me off. So later in the week we had a test and since I was kind of like a nerd they told me if I could help them and I said yeah sure. So then I got all exited and everything and they told me "I bet you're too scared to throw that chick’s book on the floor." I said "No, watch this." so I went and threw her book on the floor and she started crying and the popular guy told me good job. I felt so proud because that guy was talking to me and told me good job. Later that day at lunch my friends told me "it was wrong for you to do that." I felt really bad but I kept my mouth shut. I just wanted to get to talk to that popular guy. That's one of the things that I would really want to change because my pride took over of what was right and made me do the wrong thing. I would love to go back in time I would change so many things and my life would be so different.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Grandparents: "Ancestors"

My whole family is from Chihuahua, Mexico. My dad’s parents are still alive but his grandparents already passed away a long time ago. My mom’s parents and grandparents are still alive which is very amazing. There is a disease that goes around in my family which is diabetes. It runs in my mom’s side of the family. And I know that I could be at risk of getting it but I’m not scared.

I love my whole family moms and dads side. I love both sides of my family equally because that's all you have in life. And I know that if you are all not cool with your family and something happens who do you turn to? So that's why you have to be cool with your family so you can have someone to turn to.

And family genes are an important part of how your personality is. For example if there is a peach tree all the branches are going to be the same the leafs are all going to be the same and it's only going to have peaches it's not going to have peaches mango apples and other type of fruit and that’s how family genes kind of are. My family is not a rich family you can say. We are poor and really struggling because of the economic time. Or economy.

We send money whenever we can because I know that in México everything is way more expensive and stuff so we do what we can to help out. Like send them clothes that don't fit anymore shoes, money and food. For example my mom’s family was very poor. My mom was one of the unique and responsible ones because she helped my grandma clean the house and cook and also because she is the oldest from the girls. My mom liked studding and going to school but unfortunaly my grandpa didn't want my mom to go to school so my mom dropped out and started working en una maquila witch is a factory. She got papyed like 25 cents an hour. All her ciblings lived in the same house and had to help get money to buy food and clothing. Until my grandpa came to the U.S to work to make money to feed his family and my grandma was pregnant. My grandma had to do lots of things by herself. Since she lives on a hill she had to go to the river and wash clothes on rocks. She had to carry buckets of water up the hill go walking to the stores and walk back home and up the hill. She had to walk everywhere because they were too poor to afford a car.

My grandma had so much work she didn’t sleep until like 4 because people had tried to get in the house. She cooked cleaned and gave birth alone it was very hard for her. When my grandma was young she took sowing classes. And at home on her free time she made doll dresses and blankets. My grandma was a very sufisticated and strong woman. Sadly she only studied up to the fifth grade and couldn't get a carrer.But she would practically worked anywhere to get money to put food on the table. She worked cleaning a farm and took care of the farm. Until her kids grew up and all got married and moved out and almost all her kids came to the United States. Except for my anti. The smallest one of all. My uncle "the oldest one" got my grandparents papers so they could come and go to the United States.

Monday, March 22, 2010

True Love!!

Well according to me im in love with sergio. When i am beside him i feel so happy that nothing can upset me. He makes me feel so great. I love him soo much and he says that to me too. When i  see him i feel butterfly's it feels like my heart is going to pop out of my chest!! I know we have had some problems but i mean all people have problems not just us. But problems come and go! So we try not to fight at all. Sergio and i have been together for a YEAR!!!!
He has told me that he dosn't have to fake his personality around me. He says,"i can be myself and i feel accepted." Well i actually do accept him for who he is. He also accepts me for who i am. We don't need presents to make us happy we just need to be in eachothers arms.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wisdom quotes

To aquire knowlege, one must study but to aquire wisdom one must observe.
-Marilyn Vos Savvant

A single conversation with a wise man is better than 10 years of study.
-Chinese Proverb

We become to love not by findinng a perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
-Sam Keen

To teach is to understand. To learn is wisdom. To learn together is understanding wisdom.
-Sid Mendenhall

Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don't quit.
-Conrad Hilton

One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything.
-Georg.c Lichtenberg

A man is wise with the wisdom of his time only, and ignorant with its ignorance.
-Henry David Thoreau

You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
-Naguib Mahfouz

Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences.
-Norman Cousins

Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself.
-Oprah Winfrey

Friday, March 12, 2010

The kid that was saving starfish

  Today i read a story about a kid saving starfish. The kid was throwing the starfish back in the water before the sun went down. He was saving so many starfish so they would't go extinct. In his situation sadly he could not save all of them because their was thousands of them by the sea shore. But he made a change to the ones he put in the water so the fish would not die.
I have never been in a situation like this but i have seen movies and storys related to something kind of like this. I would have done the same thing to these if i ever was in a situation like this. The little boy that was throwing the starfish back in the water is verry kind and is trying to keep animals from going extinct.
 This story to me means that he was making a move in this world by not letting them go extinct. Atleast he saved one starfish which made a diffrence to that one.
I do not have the place in this world as that little kid did. He took some of his time of his free time to save a starfishes life which is really nice.
My prespective of this picture is that it's not only a picture but that half of those starfish are dieing everyday!
That's really horrible. This story makes me see more than a picture of starfish but makes me want to write a story about it.

The great debaters

When I saw this move I recognized something. Something very interesting and that happened in the past is affecting us right now. The great debaters are a true story that's how we have a black president right now! I didn't know this happened and is the reason why Obama is our president.
It is amazing how these men and young lady debated and won even though their black and knowing there was so much racism. They made a move in this world know what's your move??
I think that the move “the Great Debaters” Is something that everybody should remember.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Health care, new financial regulations and energy legislation are pending in Congress and today President Obama is hearing about a new immigration bill. A group of immigration activists met during the lunch hour with President Obama, who spoke with two senators seeking to forge an immigration deal on Capitol Hill. "Americans have rejected amnesty in 2006 and 2007," King said,"and they will reject it again if the Obama Administration tries to force it upon them. It is wrong to reward immigration law breakers."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

With this drawing of Diego Rivera makes me think of how we have to stand alone in this world. No one is their alway to protect us and tell us what to do. We have the choice to do what we want in this world. When we brake down no one is their to pick up the pieces. We have to stand up for ourselfs.

Diego Rivera

This painting to me makes me think about imigrant people because their are the ones who work hard and don't really get amything out of it. It really touches me because i know people who don't even have a place to live or anything to eat, and thats one of the reasons we come to the united states to have a better life style. Just because imigrants didn't have a chance to study or anything we should atleast be able to come to the united states to live a better life. This remindes me of my mom.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Statue of Liberty National Monument "The New Colossus"

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-handGlows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
By:Emma Lazarus

I think that this poem is very touching and i think it's bad how we don't believe in that anymore.
This symbol represents how we took in people who weren't wanted.
This affects my understanding of immigration in how some people don't allow us to live a good life because of the racism.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Child care

I chose child care because i love children, and i am planing to became a pediatrition. I want to help kids with their needs and other stuff as well. Like help them get purified water and medical help i will be their I am their future. I can't belive we are destroying our kids future by polution and that's the cause of them not having clean water

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Music is life without music i can't live life to the fullest

The sun is the brightest star in the whole universe and it brings joy.