Thursday, May 27, 2010

My sophomore year!

My sophomore year at Atrisco has been a great experience. Atrisco has very smart and great teachers that prepare us for the future. I also love that this school is a ‘’college prep’”. Atrisco has very good qualities such as... good environmental place to work, Teachers that help students keep on trying and not to give up. Atrisco provides us with so many things like good food, safety.

My experience at Atrisco has thought me so much about myself. It has brought out a good side of me that not even I knew. I learned how to be myself and overcome whatever problems I had. I learned how to kind of loose my stage fright. Well I am still kind of afraid of speaking in front of a crowd. I am working on that hoping to get better. I learned how to be smart at school for example by being more active.

I truly agree that self esteem shows up in your grades. I believe that because my self esteem shows up in mine. I think it also really counts with who you hang out with like that Spanish saying... “dime con quién te juntas y te diré quien eres.” That means tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are. I think that shy people live like in their own little world. In my opinion shy people should hang out with outgoing people. I think that because they can’t be scared and shy all their life. They have to speak up for them self’s. They need to have a voice in this world. I talk from experience. I use to be shy, but I started hanging out without going people and look at me know I have came out of my shell!

I academically changed. My teachers and my friends have helped me change, and become who I am right now! I love the way that I have become. I give thanks for all my teachers! ESPECIALLY YOU MR.LEH!!! Thank you for help me come out of my shell. Make us speak in front of the class when we had to do our debates. I have also learned how to write ever since you came along. I will come back like in 10 years to congratulate you saying thank you for helping me get this far. Without you I wouldn’t have been here were I am right now.

Well I have learned so much more. Like respect, self confidence, discipline, and also hard work!I love my new school. It’s awesome. I also can’t believe that we class of 2012 are going to be the first graduating class!! Yay!! How exited I can’t wait to be a senior and be graduating. I will always have pride in this school. I will always be a “Jaguar”. I seriously have learned so much is too many things to explain. Thank god for giving me an opportunity to come to this school and find myself. I would just like to say this is so true “IF IT’S MEANT TO BE IT’S UP TO ME”

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