Thursday, May 20, 2010

My wisdom quote

 If it's meant to be it's up to me!!! This quotation has inspired into so many things. I think of it this way... if someone puts you down who gives a damn! if it's meant to be it's up to me for example you can pressue anything in life if you put your mind to it. That what the quotation means to me. It can also be so many more things like if you can make your dreams come true you just have to follow them. I love this quotation it is a keeper. If you say it's meant for you to be a pediatrition you have the decison for you to be able to become that. It's meant to me is like saying if i want to become that i will and no one can stop me. You can never get on the wrong path if you follow your drams. No one can put you down because you ar lisstening to your heart and soul. I remember when i was a kindergardner the teacher asked me.."What do you want to be when you grow up?" I responded i want to be a model. I remember this one girl named kimberly saying to me your never going to become one your too ugly.. I started crying. I felt as if she was saying the truth i can never become that. I am to ugly. Well she crushed my dreams. She made me start thinking negative. Well now that i remember that now in my teenage years i Laugh. I don't give a rat's ass if she thought i could be one or not. If i really put my mind to it i could be one. If that's what is meant to be it is up to ME!

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