Friday, March 12, 2010

The kid that was saving starfish

  Today i read a story about a kid saving starfish. The kid was throwing the starfish back in the water before the sun went down. He was saving so many starfish so they would't go extinct. In his situation sadly he could not save all of them because their was thousands of them by the sea shore. But he made a change to the ones he put in the water so the fish would not die.
I have never been in a situation like this but i have seen movies and storys related to something kind of like this. I would have done the same thing to these if i ever was in a situation like this. The little boy that was throwing the starfish back in the water is verry kind and is trying to keep animals from going extinct.
 This story to me means that he was making a move in this world by not letting them go extinct. Atleast he saved one starfish which made a diffrence to that one.
I do not have the place in this world as that little kid did. He took some of his time of his free time to save a starfishes life which is really nice.
My prespective of this picture is that it's not only a picture but that half of those starfish are dieing everyday!
That's really horrible. This story makes me see more than a picture of starfish but makes me want to write a story about it.

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