Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Two and A Half Men

If I could add another episode to the show "Two and a half men" I would make an episode where Charlie marries Rose. Ok so it's Jake’s birthday and rose goes dressed as a clown because she was at another party. Ok well once rose gets to jakes birthday party everybody was already there. Rose just went to go stalk Charlie and not let him be with other girls. Rose is Charlie’s stalker. Charlie wanted to get with Judith's sister. Judith's sister and Charlie had sexual relations at Allan’s and Judith's wedding reception. It all happened in the coat room. Charlie tries to get with her and well she wants a massage from Allan. Ok well they get home and everybody is at the deck and Charlie goes up stairs all pist because Judith’s sister wants Allan and Judith is really jealous. So once Charlie gets to his bedroom rose is right there to surprise him! Charlie got really surprised when he saw rose in a sexy night gown and with rose petals everywhere. He told her "Rose what the hell are you doing here" And rose gets up and says "waiting for you"! Once rose was going to go in for a kiss you hear glass breaking and one he remembered that Judith and Allan and Judith’s sister were downstairs arguing. He pushed rose off and ran downstairs. He found his vodka bottle broken. He went crazy for his vodka bottle he didn't really care about the girls hair pulling and Allan crying and yelling on top of the kitchen table. All of the sudden from the background you hear someone scream "Stop" It was Rose. She told the girls that they are sisters they shouldn't be fighting like animals on the ground. And she told Judith’s sister to stop being a hoe and find a man which is not Charlie or Allan. Judith's sister started crying and ran out the door. Allan explained to Judith that he loves her and Jake very much. Rose told Charlie how he felt and Charlie kissed Rose on the lips. Months later Allan moved out of Charlie’s house and went back to his place. Rose and Charlie got married and rose moved in with Charlie. They had 2 little boys. Rose worked at home she took care of puppies. They got a little brown one they named it cookie! Roses and Charlie’s little boys were twins. Once they got old enough they helped Charlie sing for commercial songs and other stuff like that. And rose helped Berta clean the house. Berta's daughter and rose became best friends. They both went to college and became nurses! Rose became a pediatrition. Charlie and rose were really in love. Allan and Judith didn't fight as much as they use too. Jake was still a little spoiled brat.

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