Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Courage and Bravery

The one time that I had to be brave was when my boyfriend broke up with me. He went to my house and he told me lets go outside I need to talk to you. So I was all like alright let’s go. So we went walking around the block. And all of the sudden he stopped and tells me “you know I love you right.” I was all like yeah but why are you acting like you don’t care about me anymore. He said “I do.” Then I told him then tell me what’s happening what do you want to talk about he was all like, “well I’ve been thinking about us and… umm I want to break up” Once I heard that a tear fell down my cheek. My world had just fallen down. He said because I was cheating on him. But I really wasn’t!! When he came closer to me and looked me in the eyes and said, “Te amo Liz” and kissed me on the lips OMG! Then he hugged me and we were holding hands and as he walked away and we were still holding hands you could tell he didn’t want to let go.

 Eventually he did and he teared. I started crying and walked after him but he just kept on walking. Like the saying “ if he’s stupid enough to walk away be smart enough to let him go” So I just sat down on the side walk crying and he turned around and saw me and he came back. He told me “go home” I was like NO! You can’t tell me what to do. You are not my boyfriend. And then there was an oquard silence. And then I stood up and looked at him then turned around as the tear feel from my cheek. He grabbed by my arm and wiped my tear then kissed me and I explained him you know what I wasn’t even cheating on you. And it is really sad that you belived that one person that told you rather than me. He was all like well I noticed that I made a big mistake baby am sorry. Would you please go out with me again? And with all my heart I wanted to say yes but I said, “I love you but I can’t be with a person that doesn’t believe his girlfriend.” And he said but I was all na but nothing. And I hugged him and whispered in his ear I love you. And I walked away. This was one of the hardest moments in my whole entire life.
I really did love him with all my heart. I thought that I was really brave for walking away. IT was so hard I cried a lot. He called me for like three months straight but I kept on ignoring him because I was tired of all that was happening between us. This was also one of the things that changed my life for ever. But know i met sergio and i love him with all my heart now im hopping that same mistake won't happen again....

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