Friday, April 2, 2010

Time Machine

If I were able to create a time machine and go back in time I would change a lot of mistakes I made in life that I regret. One of the mistakes I regret is getting a boyfriend so young and ever since that day my life has changed completely. It's sad because I have done so much bad things that I have hurt others around me without wanting to. I would change things that I have done to my mom like yell at her and make her cry. I would have never wanted to fall in love at such a young age. It's truly sad because I got played. But yet I feel in love with him. I have faked my own being just so I can fit in. I have insulted so many people because someone says to do it if I want to be popular like them. I would do other people's actions just to make someone think I’m color so once I was in my English class and this popular guy just threw my book on the floor and all his STUPID friends started laughing. That really ticked me off. So later in the week we had a test and since I was kind of like a nerd they told me if I could help them and I said yeah sure. So then I got all exited and everything and they told me "I bet you're too scared to throw that chick’s book on the floor." I said "No, watch this." so I went and threw her book on the floor and she started crying and the popular guy told me good job. I felt so proud because that guy was talking to me and told me good job. Later that day at lunch my friends told me "it was wrong for you to do that." I felt really bad but I kept my mouth shut. I just wanted to get to talk to that popular guy. That's one of the things that I would really want to change because my pride took over of what was right and made me do the wrong thing. I would love to go back in time I would change so many things and my life would be so different.

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