Monday, November 15, 2010

Assignment#15 Multiple intelligence essay

   In my opinion I think that it’s true. Because when you get a stick and for example let’s say that the left end is happiness and the right is anger. Either way when you try to get rid of the anger no matter what you do it is always going to be there. All you have to do is that you have to take control of your life. Like that man was trying to teach that kid whatever you do there is going to be things that you don’t like in life but there is nothing you can do other than take control. Like the kid kept breaking a piece of the right which is anger and every time he would be breaking a piece their always ended up to be anger. He seemed confused at first but after he kept breaking the stick he got it could have been the smallest stick ever and it would still have anger. I think that should be turned into a wisdom quote.

My opinion about what that man was teaching the kid a life lesson is that you can do so much but sooner or later it gets back to you. For example if I would do something like kill someone I will eventually get caught and I would get jail time for more than 20 years probably even more. For example I think that the wisdom the man was trying to teach is also like karma in a way. Because whatever you do you’re going to get pay back either way. Like if you murder someone eventually that bad piece of the stick is going to get to you and you’re going to end up regretting what you have done.

I also admire that instead of saying it that he made him realize it by himself. Instead of saying “look sunny whatever you’re going to do there is always going to be a bad side” He made it simpler just by that stick example. I think that that man is very wise. When I heard that story in class it reminded me of my uncle. Because my uncle would see me doing bad things but he wouldn’t tell us but one thing that he would make sure that I wouldn’t get hurt really bad. He wouldn’t tell me not to do it because he would know that I was going to do it either way. After all of the things would happen he would laph at me and say that im very intelligent. At first I thought it was a complement but it really wasn’t. Now that I am a lot older and can actually think it is kind of offensive. But yet I thought I was multi intelligent when I just had one intelligence and that was screwing up in life.

My family lets us learn our lesson by it happening to us they don’t tell us because the culture I come from is very stubborn and we think what we say is always going to be correct which is a no not always true. We just get blinded by our self’s it’s like stabbing yourself in the back. Like that one quote that says love blinds. Well it is actually true. I should know from experience. Like the stick I was defending something that I knew was wrong but I was blinded with love. At the moment I didn’t think it was love it was stupidity. Because my ex would scream at me and I would cover up his mistakes by making myself look bad. Then I come back to the stick thing that there was always innocence and stupidity all over me. I was trying to get rid of the blindness which is in reality me being stupid. The stick that I had always ended up having the same anger as the little kid that was trying to get rid of it. Some people just have to learn the hard way. Like me all stubborn Hahaha

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