Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Assignment:14 "School Uniforms"

I personally think that there is no point in using uniforms. Because uniforms don’t change acts. Yes it may change appearance but there is always going to be someone doing something that the principal don’t agree with. For example the principal demands dress codes because teenagers now days wear dickies and sag and wear spaghetti strap shirts, mini shorts, skirts, shirts . My opinion is that when the principal notices a group of people wearing the same color and hanging out they think is gang related. Because I have seen it happen. I am a teenager who knows how it feels like to have to wear uniforms for a whole year. To tell you the truth it REALLY SUCKS.

It can be a good thing because when you wake up you don’t have to choose your outfit because your going to be wearing the same three colors everyday. Either way your still going to end up looking the same. You will sometimes be less distracted becase with the school uniforms that you will be provided are mostly button up shirts that way girls can’t show cleavage. Some schools seek improvement because most students choose who to hang out with by their appearance. Like that quote says “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Well that’s how students decide who are they going to be friends with. I know that is true because of my past experience. I was judged like that and I myself have judged people like that as well. The other good thing about uniforms is that you can’t be violating the dress code with gang related clothes.

From my point of view some people feel like if their right is taken away. The right of being able to choose your appearance and being able to were what you want to wear. We feel like if we can’t do anything were trapped in a small cage. That’s one of the reasons people tag they think by tagging in a way their getting back at the school principal. Some of us think that if you dress like if you respect the school and it’s property that you won’t get caught doing bad stuff you can make yourself as if you were innocent. I mean wee teenagers we still have to look good boys sag girls expose.
  I think that school uniforms are useless. If teachers don’t wear them it is not fair that students mandatorily have to wear them. My opinion about uniforms that they are uncomfortable and ugly. Yes, it is true that you show pride in your school and respect and also by representing school colors. Even though it is way easier in the morning still you get tired of wearing the same three pairs of clothes over and over again. I hate having to wear the same three shirts for a whole year.

I have had school uniforms through all middle school. It really sucked. I hated it. Because I would always see teachers and the school principal wearing whatever they want and we would be in the back wearing our ugly itchy uniforms. My middle school principal would not allow skirts, spaghetti strap shirts, shorts, or any clothes with writing on it. It pissed me off because everything we were allowed to wear was plain just one color.

When I used to go you would get signatures I think for doing something good that a teacher liked or something and you would earn a pass. The gold one was the best because if you got one on that Friday you would be able to wear whatever you want but how I said only plain stuff. I would wear a South Pole shirt or jacket and I would get it taken away because supposedly it was gang related. I thought that was dumb. I remember because I wore a South Pole shirt that was like the size of a muscle shirts “three finger with” I got it taken away. It was a cool shirt but the principal thought I was disrespectful because of it. The security came up to me and asked me where your pass is and I showed him the gold pass you know so they would know I had permission to wear that. They took me to the office. You may ask why and it’s because my name wasn’t written on the pass. I was like oh my god!! So yeah I went to the office and they gave me this ugly extra large shirt and pointed to the bathroom they told me okay go change so I did. I had to wear that ugly shirt for that whole day. After school I went for the shirt and I couldn’t get it my mom had to be the one to get it but my mom never wanted to so I have never seen that shirt ever again.

I didn’t get it I thought to myself huh maybe all schools are like this. But no. My cousin proved me wrong Truman was the only strict school. Yeah I know we have to wear uniforms for our own safety so if a visitor comes or someone else they would know if he is allowed on campus. That’s how they would see who is not supposed to be in our school zone.

I have nothing against uniforms I just strongly dislike wearing them. If Atrisco Heritage Academy High School would force us to wear uniforms I would transfer out. I know it’s dumb just to transfer out just because of that but that’s my strong feelings on how I dislike them. Oh and another thing I also hated that we couldn’t were opened toed shoes. No flip flops or high heels. I thought that was bull not being able to wear flip flops. But yet when you would ask for the principal you would see her all comfortable in opened toed her high heels, skirts and exposing. That was no respect for herself.

I think if they are going to make us wear uniforms we should all be equal teachers, students and everybody on campus grounds. I think that it’s cool to be able to have al little freedom being able to wear whatever you like. That’s one of the reasons that I can’t wait to go college. I hate when teachers say that the school you are attending is a college preparing school when actually you are treated like a little kid. Like at my schools they repeat the same thing over and over wear your id’s wear your id’s wear your id’s. I feel like saying oh my god just freaking do it damn!

If I were to run a school I would let student’s voices and choices run the school we would have a 30 minute period to be able to relax socialize and text. I would at least allow some freedom to use cell phones during lunch. That is my opinion about wearing uniforms. If you want to keep your student’s happy no uniforms.

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