Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment 11 The Concrete Rose

Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk without having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared.
The meaning of this poem means that when theirs only one their unique and hardly seen. When he says about the flower tht grew from a crack in the concrete it's an example of a baby. Because a baby can't provide what it needs he can't walk and all his looking in his family is love and someone that could love him. When he found somone it's when the baby is not in it's mothers woon. It comes out for the first time breaths air and sees the real life.When i hear this poem it gives me an image of a pregnant lady. Because how the flower grows out of the crack it the babe grows in the woond. No one else cares for that baby other than it's mother. If it's own mother dosn't care for that child who will. No one is taking care of other peoples stuff to have preety roses you have to water them and take care of them and keep things that are around their safe.Same here with the baby you have to take care of him feed it shower ir keep it in a safe enviorment. I think that 2 pac wrote this poem to all pregnant woman. I love this poem i think that it is so cute how it says something but when you think about it. the poem has a meaning that touches you. I thinnk 2 pac is so creative in his writing and composig his music he knows what to give public. I  can relate to some of his music and like this poem reminds me of when i was in my momys tummy. How the first months your all happy and exited and never had that warm loving feeling of carrieng a baby. That's how the flower that grew out of a crack you never see a flower on the sement unless someone drops a rose or something it's like the first time you get pregnant.

  I  think that it could also mean set your mind to something you will be able to accomplish it. Because think about it how many people set their mind to something and accomplish his/her dreams. It happens but it is very rare like the flower that grew on the concrete crack. I belive that you can accomplish anything you want you just need to put your mind to it.. no one ever said that it was going to be easy. Life is not easy. It's going to be tough but eventually it's going to pay off. Like going to college. It is going to be challenging. For example i want to be a pediatrition it is going to take me atleast 6 or 8 years. But your going to love what you are doing and get payed alot for that. It's going to pay off because when you have to do something that you don't want to.
  When i see the picture of the beautiful rose growing out of the concrete it's more than a picture it has a meaning. You have to look very deep and find your self like that in the world. You stand out even though you don't know it. Everybody has a diffrent talent you just have too look deep in yourself. Life is no game it's about creating yourself and preparing your self for the after death. Because im catholic and i strongly belive that when i die their is more than what we have lived. Like how it says in the bible if you do bad things without regreting it or saying sorry and commiting it to god because you  know that he sees everything.. its like a bird at a beach picking up one grain of sand a traveling across the world. Until it is finished with picking up every grain of sand that their is at the beach.. Like when god sees someone become a drug dealer and a gang banger.. He dosn't see oh hes doing this because he needs the money he sees more deep. He sees that he thinks this is the only way to have a father son relation ship with these big drug dealers. He sees that he had no father growing up he lived with his single mother. He fell in the wrong foot steps of being in the street..

1 comment:

  1. i believe the rose is pac, the concrete represents his upbringing were he grew up, being successful is improbable. proving natures laws wrong would be society/critics. learning to walk with out having feet would be finding his own way to accomplish success with nothing. by keeping its dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air, he never gave up and is capable of living.
