Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment 9 Alien contact

The otherday at school me and my friends took lunch in our little cute lunch boxes  but something oftly ocuard was happening to mine. I noticed the bright green glow across the playground. I told my friends look look lokk. They were all looking at me like if i were crazy.THey were all what are you talking about? You want us to see what their was nothing their.Once they turned in the direction i was pointing to the bright green light went away. I was scared. Jane and jacob were like what the heck is wrong with liz.At first i was thinkin i was crazy but i kept seeing the lightt. Everybody got their lunch box and sat down to eat. I was so scared to even get close to mine. But eventually my stomach was grouling so much that my tummy started to hurt that i grabbed the lunch box without thinking. I opend it and layed it on my lap and reached in. Instead of feeling a lil bag that mysandwich was in i felt a furry thing.  looked in and their it was a fuzzy lil thing. I scream and droped my luch box. I got up as fast as i could and my eyes were teering because i was so scared. My friends said what's what's wrong? What is it?I pointed to my lunch box. My friend poked it with the tip of his shoe and the next thing you know a small cuddely thing crawled out. and my twinky raper was empty.. We all scram and huddled in a little circle. we looked at it and it wasn't scarry at all it was actually preety cute.I walked towards it and grabed it.
    Once i grabed it  had burped. It was so cute. i wanted to keep it so i shoved him in my backpack and we went to class. The little alien made no noise at all it feel fast asleep inn my backpack i was relived because i wouldn't know what to tell my teacher if she would have found out i had an alien in my backpack she would flip[ out and say i was crazy. Once the bell rang so we can go home i ran to my house so exited that i woke it up and it was making wird noises. i got scared  and took it out and you would hear it try to talk. all you wold hear it say is tweenky. It wanted another one of my tweenkies. Once i got home i noticed that no one was home so i got a tweenky from the kitchen and feed it to him. It ate it almost in one bite. I didn't belive it how did it get in my lunch box. Who could have put it their?? at first i though it was a prank from one of my friends but how would they manege to put it in my lunch box without me noticing? I said naa  it was majic it's meant to be. It's my new pet.. so days later the alien was getting attached to me. so i knew that i couldn't leave it alone. So i went in the shower and left it on the toilet cap while i took a shower. and to know that it was playing when the toilet paper. when i got out their was a big mess. and to know that it ws tring to get out and breath because it is allergic to water.. After that i noticed a lot of wird things happening. In the news it says that everything is diying and at nite their is a light comming down from the sky. it was the parents looking for their lost alien. They knew he was introuble because of the screaching noise it would do when it was near water..
  Weeks later it would sleep near the window scaratching it when he was seeing  the light knowing that his parents were looking for him.. On cold night i saw the window open and nevermore was the alien their.. it was gone safe and back with its parents where it belongs

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