Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment 10 Bullying

I have been bullied before. I was bullied in all through middle school. I was bullied because i was a nerd. I dresed nerdy and just had that  nerdy attitude. Ok so i remember this day were their was this guy that i liked when we were alone or when he wanted to copy my work he would be nice to me. But noo when his damn friends came along he was a lil bitch to me. We would be laphing and i would be helping him and we were learning together. When his friends were their when he was with me he would call me rude names that put mee down like Skinny bitch miget and white ass. Big foot. When i would go turn in my work and was walking towards my seat they would trip me and when i was about to sit down they would pull my chair back and i would fall they would laph. When they would do that i would think of doing suicidal things. I think that people should not do that because it is a put down for the one being bullied. That's onne of the reasons why someone would think of dropping out. I have never bullied anyone. And what i think is wird they bullie people smaller than them and that seem weeker and they know that they won't fight back. When i saw the movie that Mr.Leh showed us i felt bad inside that i wanted to get up and stand up for that kid. I have always seen kids get bullied but i stayed queiet because thoes people bulling that person were bulling me ass well and no one alse did anything to help me. I though it was mean when the principal said boys will be boys. But i bet you anything if the bullies parents knew that they were gitting bullied they would be pisst. When i saw one of my friends getting bullied and eventually beat up and jumped because she stood up for herself it made me feel bad because i could have gotten help or stoped it but i didn't do anything i was just standing their in shock. I feel like i participated in the beating what i did was the most hurtful thinng that had happend to her. She told me your my best friend and you turned away and didn't back me up when i needed you. she called me a too faced freind witch i fellt bad because i knwe that i could have helped. If that would have happend to me i would like for her to be their tto back me up and support me. Now i realized how much of a good friend that i am...

  It breaks my heart to know that i turned my back on my own best friend. I don't belive in best friends anymore because of an experience that i have had. Once again i say carma is a bitch.. I don't like knowing that i got payed in that matter of getting beat up and tesed on all my life. But i have learned the hard way no one is going to be their to deffend you. You have to stand up for yourself and deffend what is yours. Don't let people push you around and don't make the mistake i made.. I was seeing friends and younger people get pushed around and i would laph why you may ask i honestly don't know. I think becasue i couldn't stand up for my self why do it for them.. i would laph and think mabe i would blend in and they will stop picking on me. their was a time just one time where i pushed around this little girl because thoes guys told me too and i would be cool from now on. so i pushed he around the hall and triped her she  fell and everybody started laphing and i didn't realize thath the little girl was someone i knew. when she saw my smile on my face she got up picked up all her stuff and left crying and ashamed.. Instead of feeling good i felt bad and i will always regret that day and that smile i had when i look at myself in the mirror that image of her on the floor teering and everybody laphing kills me from the inside..

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