Sunday, September 26, 2010

BOOK REPORT "The break up bible" By:melissa Kantor

Jen Lewis is a Junior and was having a great year and she also is the features editor of the school newspaper but she was dating Max Brown the paper editor in cheif.Everything was going great untilmax says "Mabe it would de better if we were just friends" It got very complicated for gen. She had to see him everyday after school. Jen was so deppresed even her Nana noticed that she was upset so she gave Jen a book called "The break up bible" Dr.Emerson is the author of this book. Dr.Emerson says "thers no reason why a women can't ger over a break up very quickly if she follows a few basic commandments. Jen is doubtful about this book. But once she starts reading the book the healing begins jen feels a tad better until her friend sayd "you dont need Max" but Jen thought diffrently while getting over her break up with Max she meets another guy and starts leaving max in the past memories.

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