Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Assignment 19 Short story

Once upon a time there was a fish. He lived in water world and loved to go party with his crew named the wet and wild. The wet and wild crews were big O’ gangsters that broke cars fins. They carried around big guns. One time they went to a club called the drunken clam. They danced all night until their fins cracked. They met two fishes just like them. Their names were sandy and wetty. Sandy and Wetty were very popular and wore the nicest calm shoes. They costed up to 400 crabs. These girls were the first ones to get into their little crew the wet n wild.

Now there were 6 people in the wet n wild. Their names were Coral, Parana witch we called chomps, Squid ward which we called squirts. Jellyster witch was therefore called stinger and Sandy and Wetty. They soon became very good buddies and though they were the biggest badest group of them all. The wet and wild crew loved jelly fishing. So every once in a while they would hang out. It was very rare when they weren’t together they were inseparable. They did everything together. Went to eat, swimming, fishing, and when midnight strolled along they would crack the cars side fins. They would jelly fished their house and broke their window. Once the house owners came out they would get stinged by jelly fishes and the wet and wild crew would just watch and laugh as they ran away. They put jelly all over their enemy’s cars and leave it over night next morning their cars color would be faded and the paint would be coming off. They would laugh and get a kick of seeing other people suffer until their the next day.

One day they were bored and chomps had a good idea. He called everybody up and told them to meet up at the drunken clam to plan their next attack. When everybody was gathered around chomps decided it would be a good idea to go rob the hammerhead bank. Wetty and Sandy would be used as a distraction, while squirts and stinger would go around to the vault and take every single crab there was out and keep it for them self. What chomps wasn’t expecting was that Mr. Hammer head was going to be at the bank that day. Everyone in water world knew that when he was around all the electric eel cops would be around.

So early the next morning Sandy and Wetty took off on their mission. When Squirts and stinger got to the vault the eels came around they scram hands up. Luckily for squirts and stinger, chomps was on the top level shooting down at the eel cops. Soon a riot started and all of the wet and wild crew took out their AK 47’s and started shooting but more eel cops came and the crew got taken down! Their crew ended up getting split up and arrested and that was the last time they ever heard of the wet and wild crew.

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