Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Assignment 20 Christmas story

Once uppon a time their was a little girl that woke up on christmas eve all alone. She rushed out of bed and put on her "pantuflas" (flippers) and walked over to her window. As she looked down she didn't spot her parents red car parked in the drive way. That smile she had went down to a frown. As she walked back to her bed tears rolled down her check she tought 'Don't my parent's love me?" Why arn't we a familly like everybody else is. I only live with my grandparents. as i was thinking my grandmother comes it through the door singing chrismas charles and with a glass of oatmeal. I wish you a merry christmas i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!! " Ya levantate mija" As i got up to kiss my grandmother on the chek she handed me the glass of oatmeal and hugged me and i said wait grandma are my parents ever comming back? She turned back and hugged me even tighter and kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

I knew that something was going on. My parents weren’t home. I had a feeling that something bad had happened. I rushed down stair and flew past my grandpa. Woow woow wow calm down mija. Yeah Merry Christmas to you too? Oh yeah sorry grandpa. I hugged and kissed him on the cheek as I wished him a Merry Christmas and a Happy new. As I ran back into the living room to go get the house phone. I rushed back into my room to go get my journal were I had my mom and dads cell phone numbers. As I nervously diled the number it was out of service area. The first thought I had was “Damn what if something bad happened and they can’t call anyone for help because their I a stranded place where

Assignment 19 Short story

Once upon a time there was a fish. He lived in water world and loved to go party with his crew named the wet and wild. The wet and wild crews were big O’ gangsters that broke cars fins. They carried around big guns. One time they went to a club called the drunken clam. They danced all night until their fins cracked. They met two fishes just like them. Their names were sandy and wetty. Sandy and Wetty were very popular and wore the nicest calm shoes. They costed up to 400 crabs. These girls were the first ones to get into their little crew the wet n wild.

Now there were 6 people in the wet n wild. Their names were Coral, Parana witch we called chomps, Squid ward which we called squirts. Jellyster witch was therefore called stinger and Sandy and Wetty. They soon became very good buddies and though they were the biggest badest group of them all. The wet and wild crew loved jelly fishing. So every once in a while they would hang out. It was very rare when they weren’t together they were inseparable. They did everything together. Went to eat, swimming, fishing, and when midnight strolled along they would crack the cars side fins. They would jelly fished their house and broke their window. Once the house owners came out they would get stinged by jelly fishes and the wet and wild crew would just watch and laugh as they ran away. They put jelly all over their enemy’s cars and leave it over night next morning their cars color would be faded and the paint would be coming off. They would laugh and get a kick of seeing other people suffer until their the next day.

One day they were bored and chomps had a good idea. He called everybody up and told them to meet up at the drunken clam to plan their next attack. When everybody was gathered around chomps decided it would be a good idea to go rob the hammerhead bank. Wetty and Sandy would be used as a distraction, while squirts and stinger would go around to the vault and take every single crab there was out and keep it for them self. What chomps wasn’t expecting was that Mr. Hammer head was going to be at the bank that day. Everyone in water world knew that when he was around all the electric eel cops would be around.

So early the next morning Sandy and Wetty took off on their mission. When Squirts and stinger got to the vault the eels came around they scram hands up. Luckily for squirts and stinger, chomps was on the top level shooting down at the eel cops. Soon a riot started and all of the wet and wild crew took out their AK 47’s and started shooting but more eel cops came and the crew got taken down! Their crew ended up getting split up and arrested and that was the last time they ever heard of the wet and wild crew.

Assignment 17 Lone Ranger and Tonto

In Lone ranger and Tonto their was a lot of meanings that cought my attention for example the one where at the ending where they dropped his dads ashes in the water seeing him as a fish. To me thats the nices thing someone could say. I understood that saying as if even though your ded and ima through your ashes in water is like reving your sole but as a fish to be free to do whatever makes you happy. You can go to that bridge and just sit their watching the water and stare at the plain water and be alble to say yes my dad is happy.

Assignment 18 "Poem The Leadership"

Robbing blind
without being blilnd.
Now theirs a need
to lean on a sholder.
Don't carry
someone elses
Don't lock yourself out
of the world.
Lying to
your shadow.
Dont't lear what could be
You see
 a rock
with no movement
you say it's
but in reality that's the
thought of

Monday, November 22, 2010

Assignment #16 "The Journey"

  Once upon a time it was late at night and there was nothing but pure darkness. The night was shaded in a hot pink color. Reminded me of cotton candy. Just by looking at the clouds got me hungry. There was no food no water or clothing but a cabin. I went into the cabin. It was dark and at the far end I saw a bright light. It was fire flies in a little jar with a handle at the top. I’ve never seen it before. I went towards the light and their it was a blanket and a pillow. I was so tired that just by looking at it made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. So I layed on it and once my head touched the pillow it felt like if I was flying in the air on a pillow I started counting sheep right away. That night I slept so comfortable that I had my first dream ever. I have no family or friends the only thing I had always wished for was a sister. I needed company. That very night she came alive. It was a miracle. I saw my twin sister for once. She had long silky black hair all the way down to her lower back. She was light brown skin colored and colored eyes. I went to the beach and their she was in a long white skirt and brown shirt. I couldn’t believe what was before my eyes. As I walked towards her she faded into the water. Next thing you know I wake up in the same ugly dripping with water cabin. But yet I saw something unusual it was the girl in my dreams doing a camp fire only by herself. Once I sat down she talked to me she said “You hungry?’’ I have never heard anyone with that type of accent. I was speechless. I stared at her as she handed me a rock with green looking stuff on it. I grabbed the rock and she smiled. “What’s this?” I asked. She replied “Monsushi” I thought for a while monsushi? What the hell could this be? Is it what I think it is worms and leafs? Naaah it couldn’t be. So I brought up the rock and took a little bit. It was not as bad as it looks. It really doesn’t have a real good smell to it ither. As we both munched on the monsushi I asked her questions “What’s your name?” Sadaf she replied. Does Sadaf mean anything? Yes it means Pearl. As the questions went on I told her my name as well which is Sabita. Sabita means beautiful sunshine.

As Sadaf and I got to know each other better we went for a walk. We went to go see what’s around the cabin. There were just rocks and a nice view of heights. As the sun went down the stars kept on showing up more and more. Sadaf was one of a kind. I had never met someone so different from the outside world. She knew how to do everything. She told me a story of the last moments that she had spent with her mom.

Once when I was 5 her mom came home from shopping for snakes to take on the trip. My mom and I were off to see the cabin stream hill. That place was one of the most dangerous place to go visit. But my mom had heard that it’s beautiful and green and nice for a summer vacation. So as they traveled towards the east to the cabin stream hills a few miles away from their a bear came out from the top of the mountain and as the bear approached my mother she scream run Sadaf I can take care of this. I turned around and ran as fast as I could but my knees were weak I knew I couldn’t leave my mom alone but I was too little to help out. At that very moment I didn’t seem to care so I ran towards the mountain and got a log and did a circle shape around it as I sharpened it and used it as a bow and arrow. I got closer to my mom seeing her struggle and fight for her life as a warrior I threw it hoping that it wouldn’t hit my mom. You just hear the stick grind and rip into the flesh of the bear. As the bear fell backwards I called out to my mom. Mama! Mama! Mama! She looked at me and smiled I am proud of you Sadaf. You’re soon going to be a big and could take care of yourself. She fell down and I kneeled down and kissed my mom on the four head meaning that she is very brave and showing her how much you love her. She said rubbing my cheek with her index and middle finger as she bleed to death from a wound the bears clause have given her. I love you Sadaf….

My eyes got all watery and I started crying. MAMA! MAMA! MAMA! NOOO... Ever since then I have been making my mom proud taking care of myself. You see this? As I looked around her neck was a bear tooth. She said that’s the only memory that I have from my mom. Sadaf and I have so much in common my parents got in a car crash on their way back to come look for mi. We were both lost in this world now we had to do everything to find our self and what made it even better. Amazingly we became soul sister and made a promise to always be together and ever since then I have been the sunlight and Sadaf the pearl which Indicates the moon we came together as family. As we both became warriors. Two of the toughest young ladies of this world. The cabins were home sweet home for me and my new sister.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Assignment#15 Multiple intelligence essay

   In my opinion I think that it’s true. Because when you get a stick and for example let’s say that the left end is happiness and the right is anger. Either way when you try to get rid of the anger no matter what you do it is always going to be there. All you have to do is that you have to take control of your life. Like that man was trying to teach that kid whatever you do there is going to be things that you don’t like in life but there is nothing you can do other than take control. Like the kid kept breaking a piece of the right which is anger and every time he would be breaking a piece their always ended up to be anger. He seemed confused at first but after he kept breaking the stick he got it could have been the smallest stick ever and it would still have anger. I think that should be turned into a wisdom quote.

My opinion about what that man was teaching the kid a life lesson is that you can do so much but sooner or later it gets back to you. For example if I would do something like kill someone I will eventually get caught and I would get jail time for more than 20 years probably even more. For example I think that the wisdom the man was trying to teach is also like karma in a way. Because whatever you do you’re going to get pay back either way. Like if you murder someone eventually that bad piece of the stick is going to get to you and you’re going to end up regretting what you have done.

I also admire that instead of saying it that he made him realize it by himself. Instead of saying “look sunny whatever you’re going to do there is always going to be a bad side” He made it simpler just by that stick example. I think that that man is very wise. When I heard that story in class it reminded me of my uncle. Because my uncle would see me doing bad things but he wouldn’t tell us but one thing that he would make sure that I wouldn’t get hurt really bad. He wouldn’t tell me not to do it because he would know that I was going to do it either way. After all of the things would happen he would laph at me and say that im very intelligent. At first I thought it was a complement but it really wasn’t. Now that I am a lot older and can actually think it is kind of offensive. But yet I thought I was multi intelligent when I just had one intelligence and that was screwing up in life.

My family lets us learn our lesson by it happening to us they don’t tell us because the culture I come from is very stubborn and we think what we say is always going to be correct which is a no not always true. We just get blinded by our self’s it’s like stabbing yourself in the back. Like that one quote that says love blinds. Well it is actually true. I should know from experience. Like the stick I was defending something that I knew was wrong but I was blinded with love. At the moment I didn’t think it was love it was stupidity. Because my ex would scream at me and I would cover up his mistakes by making myself look bad. Then I come back to the stick thing that there was always innocence and stupidity all over me. I was trying to get rid of the blindness which is in reality me being stupid. The stick that I had always ended up having the same anger as the little kid that was trying to get rid of it. Some people just have to learn the hard way. Like me all stubborn Hahaha

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Assignment:14 "School Uniforms"

I personally think that there is no point in using uniforms. Because uniforms don’t change acts. Yes it may change appearance but there is always going to be someone doing something that the principal don’t agree with. For example the principal demands dress codes because teenagers now days wear dickies and sag and wear spaghetti strap shirts, mini shorts, skirts, shirts . My opinion is that when the principal notices a group of people wearing the same color and hanging out they think is gang related. Because I have seen it happen. I am a teenager who knows how it feels like to have to wear uniforms for a whole year. To tell you the truth it REALLY SUCKS.

It can be a good thing because when you wake up you don’t have to choose your outfit because your going to be wearing the same three colors everyday. Either way your still going to end up looking the same. You will sometimes be less distracted becase with the school uniforms that you will be provided are mostly button up shirts that way girls can’t show cleavage. Some schools seek improvement because most students choose who to hang out with by their appearance. Like that quote says “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Well that’s how students decide who are they going to be friends with. I know that is true because of my past experience. I was judged like that and I myself have judged people like that as well. The other good thing about uniforms is that you can’t be violating the dress code with gang related clothes.

From my point of view some people feel like if their right is taken away. The right of being able to choose your appearance and being able to were what you want to wear. We feel like if we can’t do anything were trapped in a small cage. That’s one of the reasons people tag they think by tagging in a way their getting back at the school principal. Some of us think that if you dress like if you respect the school and it’s property that you won’t get caught doing bad stuff you can make yourself as if you were innocent. I mean wee teenagers we still have to look good boys sag girls expose.
  I think that school uniforms are useless. If teachers don’t wear them it is not fair that students mandatorily have to wear them. My opinion about uniforms that they are uncomfortable and ugly. Yes, it is true that you show pride in your school and respect and also by representing school colors. Even though it is way easier in the morning still you get tired of wearing the same three pairs of clothes over and over again. I hate having to wear the same three shirts for a whole year.

I have had school uniforms through all middle school. It really sucked. I hated it. Because I would always see teachers and the school principal wearing whatever they want and we would be in the back wearing our ugly itchy uniforms. My middle school principal would not allow skirts, spaghetti strap shirts, shorts, or any clothes with writing on it. It pissed me off because everything we were allowed to wear was plain just one color.

When I used to go you would get signatures I think for doing something good that a teacher liked or something and you would earn a pass. The gold one was the best because if you got one on that Friday you would be able to wear whatever you want but how I said only plain stuff. I would wear a South Pole shirt or jacket and I would get it taken away because supposedly it was gang related. I thought that was dumb. I remember because I wore a South Pole shirt that was like the size of a muscle shirts “three finger with” I got it taken away. It was a cool shirt but the principal thought I was disrespectful because of it. The security came up to me and asked me where your pass is and I showed him the gold pass you know so they would know I had permission to wear that. They took me to the office. You may ask why and it’s because my name wasn’t written on the pass. I was like oh my god!! So yeah I went to the office and they gave me this ugly extra large shirt and pointed to the bathroom they told me okay go change so I did. I had to wear that ugly shirt for that whole day. After school I went for the shirt and I couldn’t get it my mom had to be the one to get it but my mom never wanted to so I have never seen that shirt ever again.

I didn’t get it I thought to myself huh maybe all schools are like this. But no. My cousin proved me wrong Truman was the only strict school. Yeah I know we have to wear uniforms for our own safety so if a visitor comes or someone else they would know if he is allowed on campus. That’s how they would see who is not supposed to be in our school zone.

I have nothing against uniforms I just strongly dislike wearing them. If Atrisco Heritage Academy High School would force us to wear uniforms I would transfer out. I know it’s dumb just to transfer out just because of that but that’s my strong feelings on how I dislike them. Oh and another thing I also hated that we couldn’t were opened toed shoes. No flip flops or high heels. I thought that was bull not being able to wear flip flops. But yet when you would ask for the principal you would see her all comfortable in opened toed her high heels, skirts and exposing. That was no respect for herself.

I think if they are going to make us wear uniforms we should all be equal teachers, students and everybody on campus grounds. I think that it’s cool to be able to have al little freedom being able to wear whatever you like. That’s one of the reasons that I can’t wait to go college. I hate when teachers say that the school you are attending is a college preparing school when actually you are treated like a little kid. Like at my schools they repeat the same thing over and over wear your id’s wear your id’s wear your id’s. I feel like saying oh my god just freaking do it damn!

If I were to run a school I would let student’s voices and choices run the school we would have a 30 minute period to be able to relax socialize and text. I would at least allow some freedom to use cell phones during lunch. That is my opinion about wearing uniforms. If you want to keep your student’s happy no uniforms.