Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I have been betrayed by so many ways and so many people. I have been blinded by love and betrayed. But the most hurtful betrayal is when one of your family members betrays you. It hurts to try to keep a deep dark secret from a loved one. But it may sometimes be useful because if you don’t keep that secret from that person they can go into depression and get really sad. That's not something someone would want. But I also think its pretty messt up that someone could be such a cold hearted person. I don't really feel confident saying what that something is because it's a secret but it's a family betrayal and it has to do with love as well. I think it's wrong to keep secrets away from your loved ones but like the saying says "ojos que no ven corazon que no siente" That is practically saying eyes that don’t see what you’re doing behind their back heart that doesn’t get hurt. I think it's true but it's wrong to go behind someone’s back and do that. I talk because of experience. I have been a cold hearted person and went out to the park while I was going out with my boyfriend. But it's because I didn't know what it was like to go hang out with some other guy. I thought I was doing the right thing. Well no not really because when my boyfriend called me I answered and everything but I lied when he would ask me "Where are you at?" I didn't want him to know that I was waiting for another guy. But I mean it was just a friend I didn't like him or anything. Well when he got their we played soccer. When I was blocking him from getting past me he like was going for a tackle but instead he hugged me and put me on his shoulder. My face was facing towards the ground but my butt was facing the sky. But after that I wanted to go home so I told him, "You know what...... I want to go home". So yeah since I live about four blocks away from the park we walked home.

We were almost home so we passed this big street and cars were coming. So that weirdo decided "Oh let me walk slow in the middle of the street to see what Elizabeth do" Okay so I ran to the other side of the street and all you here is cars beeping and people saying get out of the way. So I turned around and I saw him walking slower than a snail on the middle of the street. So I ran back to where he was, I grabbed him by his hand and say Andale vente ya. So I focally pulled him out of the way. Once we got to the other side of the street he grabbed me and kissed me. But I didn't kiss him back. I said what the hell was that you know I have a boyfriend and he was all like. Yeah I know. And we were almost home when you see a green Chevrolet truck pass by all fast. Well finally I got home and my boyfriend called me. He asked me where you at are and I responded at home why? He said did you go anywhere and I responded no. That very second I felt so guilty. Then I told him " I I I I gotta go". Okay so then I hung up and started crying because I felt so guilty. And he called me like five minutes later. He said you went to the park with a guy huh? I was all like No why you say that. And then he told me just because my friend told me she saw you kissing him and having a good time. But only his ex girlfriend was at the park. That I knew of. But I knew that he didn't even talk to her anymore. All the time I would hear him talk I felt so guilty because I knew it was my fault. I knew that he noticed me acing kind of weird. I couldn't control myself because I knew I did something wrong that I shouldn't have. I thought about telling him but I was scared that he would break up with me! Well when told him the truth we did break up which was really sad. For that day I couldn't sleep of dream anything because all I would think is why did I do it. He broke up with me and all of it was my fault. But he told me that he loved me too much just to leave it here. It made me kind of happy because he accepted my apology. But I wasn't the one to call him which really surprised me! I know that karma is a Bitch. But I knew it just didn't happen just because it happened because what he had done to me in the past. I have betrayed someone and I am going to remember that for the rest of my life. It's sad to know that you have broken someone’s heart. I have been cheated on. Been picked on and backstabbed by my own best friends and family. I say betrayal always has revenge. But I don't believe in me giving the revenge. I think god should deal with that. Because I know karma exists and it hurts 10 times more than what you did. That’s why don’t let anyone put you down or anything stop making you pressue your dreams. Like Mr.Leh always says life isn’t always fair. Betrayals…nah don’t worry about making them suffer let god take care of that. Life is too short. So live life to the fullest and don’t make the same mistake and betray someone. And if you have say sorry to that person. Betrayal and karma are like peanut butter and jelly are good alone but go even better together.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Two and A Half Men

If I could add another episode to the show "Two and a half men" I would make an episode where Charlie marries Rose. Ok so it's Jake’s birthday and rose goes dressed as a clown because she was at another party. Ok well once rose gets to jakes birthday party everybody was already there. Rose just went to go stalk Charlie and not let him be with other girls. Rose is Charlie’s stalker. Charlie wanted to get with Judith's sister. Judith's sister and Charlie had sexual relations at Allan’s and Judith's wedding reception. It all happened in the coat room. Charlie tries to get with her and well she wants a massage from Allan. Ok well they get home and everybody is at the deck and Charlie goes up stairs all pist because Judith’s sister wants Allan and Judith is really jealous. So once Charlie gets to his bedroom rose is right there to surprise him! Charlie got really surprised when he saw rose in a sexy night gown and with rose petals everywhere. He told her "Rose what the hell are you doing here" And rose gets up and says "waiting for you"! Once rose was going to go in for a kiss you hear glass breaking and one he remembered that Judith and Allan and Judith’s sister were downstairs arguing. He pushed rose off and ran downstairs. He found his vodka bottle broken. He went crazy for his vodka bottle he didn't really care about the girls hair pulling and Allan crying and yelling on top of the kitchen table. All of the sudden from the background you hear someone scream "Stop" It was Rose. She told the girls that they are sisters they shouldn't be fighting like animals on the ground. And she told Judith’s sister to stop being a hoe and find a man which is not Charlie or Allan. Judith's sister started crying and ran out the door. Allan explained to Judith that he loves her and Jake very much. Rose told Charlie how he felt and Charlie kissed Rose on the lips. Months later Allan moved out of Charlie’s house and went back to his place. Rose and Charlie got married and rose moved in with Charlie. They had 2 little boys. Rose worked at home she took care of puppies. They got a little brown one they named it cookie! Roses and Charlie’s little boys were twins. Once they got old enough they helped Charlie sing for commercial songs and other stuff like that. And rose helped Berta clean the house. Berta's daughter and rose became best friends. They both went to college and became nurses! Rose became a pediatrition. Charlie and rose were really in love. Allan and Judith didn't fight as much as they use too. Jake was still a little spoiled brat.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Courage and Bravery

The one time that I had to be brave was when my boyfriend broke up with me. He went to my house and he told me lets go outside I need to talk to you. So I was all like alright let’s go. So we went walking around the block. And all of the sudden he stopped and tells me “you know I love you right.” I was all like yeah but why are you acting like you don’t care about me anymore. He said “I do.” Then I told him then tell me what’s happening what do you want to talk about he was all like, “well I’ve been thinking about us and… umm I want to break up” Once I heard that a tear fell down my cheek. My world had just fallen down. He said because I was cheating on him. But I really wasn’t!! When he came closer to me and looked me in the eyes and said, “Te amo Liz” and kissed me on the lips OMG! Then he hugged me and we were holding hands and as he walked away and we were still holding hands you could tell he didn’t want to let go.

 Eventually he did and he teared. I started crying and walked after him but he just kept on walking. Like the saying “ if he’s stupid enough to walk away be smart enough to let him go” So I just sat down on the side walk crying and he turned around and saw me and he came back. He told me “go home” I was like NO! You can’t tell me what to do. You are not my boyfriend. And then there was an oquard silence. And then I stood up and looked at him then turned around as the tear feel from my cheek. He grabbed by my arm and wiped my tear then kissed me and I explained him you know what I wasn’t even cheating on you. And it is really sad that you belived that one person that told you rather than me. He was all like well I noticed that I made a big mistake baby am sorry. Would you please go out with me again? And with all my heart I wanted to say yes but I said, “I love you but I can’t be with a person that doesn’t believe his girlfriend.” And he said but I was all na but nothing. And I hugged him and whispered in his ear I love you. And I walked away. This was one of the hardest moments in my whole entire life.
I really did love him with all my heart. I thought that I was really brave for walking away. IT was so hard I cried a lot. He called me for like three months straight but I kept on ignoring him because I was tired of all that was happening between us. This was also one of the things that changed my life for ever. But know i met sergio and i love him with all my heart now im hopping that same mistake won't happen again....

Monday, April 5, 2010

I AM POEM "911"

I am Curious and Upset
I wonder How can someone be so selfish
I hear Crying
I see Buildings crashing down onto the floor
I want All the killing to stop
I am Curious and Upset
I pretend that their is peace
I feel Tears running down my back
I touch Broken glass
I worry people killing for no reason
I cry Peoples sons and
I am Curious and Upset
I understand racisum exsists
I say we remember this day forever
I dream that some day their be hope
I try keep the world clean
I hope all the killing would stop
I am Curious and Upset

Friday, April 2, 2010

Time Machine

If I were able to create a time machine and go back in time I would change a lot of mistakes I made in life that I regret. One of the mistakes I regret is getting a boyfriend so young and ever since that day my life has changed completely. It's sad because I have done so much bad things that I have hurt others around me without wanting to. I would change things that I have done to my mom like yell at her and make her cry. I would have never wanted to fall in love at such a young age. It's truly sad because I got played. But yet I feel in love with him. I have faked my own being just so I can fit in. I have insulted so many people because someone says to do it if I want to be popular like them. I would do other people's actions just to make someone think I’m color so once I was in my English class and this popular guy just threw my book on the floor and all his STUPID friends started laughing. That really ticked me off. So later in the week we had a test and since I was kind of like a nerd they told me if I could help them and I said yeah sure. So then I got all exited and everything and they told me "I bet you're too scared to throw that chick’s book on the floor." I said "No, watch this." so I went and threw her book on the floor and she started crying and the popular guy told me good job. I felt so proud because that guy was talking to me and told me good job. Later that day at lunch my friends told me "it was wrong for you to do that." I felt really bad but I kept my mouth shut. I just wanted to get to talk to that popular guy. That's one of the things that I would really want to change because my pride took over of what was right and made me do the wrong thing. I would love to go back in time I would change so many things and my life would be so different.