Thursday, May 27, 2010

My sophomore year!

My sophomore year at Atrisco has been a great experience. Atrisco has very smart and great teachers that prepare us for the future. I also love that this school is a ‘’college prep’”. Atrisco has very good qualities such as... good environmental place to work, Teachers that help students keep on trying and not to give up. Atrisco provides us with so many things like good food, safety.

My experience at Atrisco has thought me so much about myself. It has brought out a good side of me that not even I knew. I learned how to be myself and overcome whatever problems I had. I learned how to kind of loose my stage fright. Well I am still kind of afraid of speaking in front of a crowd. I am working on that hoping to get better. I learned how to be smart at school for example by being more active.

I truly agree that self esteem shows up in your grades. I believe that because my self esteem shows up in mine. I think it also really counts with who you hang out with like that Spanish saying... “dime con quién te juntas y te diré quien eres.” That means tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are. I think that shy people live like in their own little world. In my opinion shy people should hang out with outgoing people. I think that because they can’t be scared and shy all their life. They have to speak up for them self’s. They need to have a voice in this world. I talk from experience. I use to be shy, but I started hanging out without going people and look at me know I have came out of my shell!

I academically changed. My teachers and my friends have helped me change, and become who I am right now! I love the way that I have become. I give thanks for all my teachers! ESPECIALLY YOU MR.LEH!!! Thank you for help me come out of my shell. Make us speak in front of the class when we had to do our debates. I have also learned how to write ever since you came along. I will come back like in 10 years to congratulate you saying thank you for helping me get this far. Without you I wouldn’t have been here were I am right now.

Well I have learned so much more. Like respect, self confidence, discipline, and also hard work!I love my new school. It’s awesome. I also can’t believe that we class of 2012 are going to be the first graduating class!! Yay!! How exited I can’t wait to be a senior and be graduating. I will always have pride in this school. I will always be a “Jaguar”. I seriously have learned so much is too many things to explain. Thank god for giving me an opportunity to come to this school and find myself. I would just like to say this is so true “IF IT’S MEANT TO BE IT’S UP TO ME”

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My anything blog

Have you ever dram anyting and it's happend to you like in real life not in dream land? Okay well i have been having this one dream over than like 5 times it's not even funny it's really skary!! Well the first time i dream about a big dog! Okay so then i asked my cousin 'Maria" if she wanted to sleep over and she said sure but she said at her house. Okay anyways so my uncle got drunk and my antie and my cousins don't like to be around him when he is drunk because drunk people cand get anoying and stuff. okay so i went to go get clothes at my cousins house "my clothes" So my auntie took me their. So it was dark and my auntie parked by the side of the house and since im teriffied of the dark she had left the car lights on High beem. Okay so then i went in from the backyard gate and some how i got on the roof and i saw the dog and it like had super powers or something that it jumped really high. I couldn't open the door so i went running down and looked in the car to check if my auntie was in their and so she can open the car door. Okay so no one was in the car the dog was chasing me i was really scared. Okay and like i started running and some how i lost the dog. Okay so then the cuartito was open. I guess the dog was hungry and looking for food and since i am all bony it probably wanted my bones lol. Well  then i looked in the cuartito and the dog was their and all of the sudden you just see my cousing whisper in a high pitch the dog is right their! i got really scared i had fallen so my leg hurted and i couldn't walk. Okay so the dog spotted me and then i tryed closing the wood doorr and the dog was stronger than me so it opend it and out of nowhere the dog started talking to me and pulled out a gun on me and was pointing it at me. And my cousin appered in time and shot it in the nogging aka head. And it died.Well i am so affraid of dogs because when i use to be small i had a small puppy named blacky you would wonder why it's cause it was a black dog. okay well it grew up and i was smaller than the dog and we were playing running around the tree so then it jumped on me and bit my nose. It hurt so bad! i started screaming and cryking and now that i think of dogs all i can smell is the onion dog breath!! that is why i am so scared of dogs. That's why that dream freaked me out!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My wisdom quote

 If it's meant to be it's up to me!!! This quotation has inspired into so many things. I think of it this way... if someone puts you down who gives a damn! if it's meant to be it's up to me for example you can pressue anything in life if you put your mind to it. That what the quotation means to me. It can also be so many more things like if you can make your dreams come true you just have to follow them. I love this quotation it is a keeper. If you say it's meant for you to be a pediatrition you have the decison for you to be able to become that. It's meant to me is like saying if i want to become that i will and no one can stop me. You can never get on the wrong path if you follow your drams. No one can put you down because you ar lisstening to your heart and soul. I remember when i was a kindergardner the teacher asked me.."What do you want to be when you grow up?" I responded i want to be a model. I remember this one girl named kimberly saying to me your never going to become one your too ugly.. I started crying. I felt as if she was saying the truth i can never become that. I am to ugly. Well she crushed my dreams. She made me start thinking negative. Well now that i remember that now in my teenage years i Laugh. I don't give a rat's ass if she thought i could be one or not. If i really put my mind to it i could be one. If that's what is meant to be it is up to ME!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If i could be anybody i would be a pediatrition. I would like to be a pediatrition because i love to work with babie's. I think babie's are so cute. Babie's are like my soft spot. It hurts me so much when i know that someone is wanting to abort or has aborted. Babies are my passion their my life my everything!! I would like to be a pediatrition just to know what it is like and f i would like to be that profession when i grow up! Because i am not really sure if i want to be a pediatrision or hairstylist and everything that has to do with nails hair make up shoes and clothes well lets just say fashion. I dream of my future being all of that like having two part time jobs of doing the two things that i love
