Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Grandparents: "Ancestors"

My whole family is from Chihuahua, Mexico. My dad’s parents are still alive but his grandparents already passed away a long time ago. My mom’s parents and grandparents are still alive which is very amazing. There is a disease that goes around in my family which is diabetes. It runs in my mom’s side of the family. And I know that I could be at risk of getting it but I’m not scared.

I love my whole family moms and dads side. I love both sides of my family equally because that's all you have in life. And I know that if you are all not cool with your family and something happens who do you turn to? So that's why you have to be cool with your family so you can have someone to turn to.

And family genes are an important part of how your personality is. For example if there is a peach tree all the branches are going to be the same the leafs are all going to be the same and it's only going to have peaches it's not going to have peaches mango apples and other type of fruit and that’s how family genes kind of are. My family is not a rich family you can say. We are poor and really struggling because of the economic time. Or economy.

We send money whenever we can because I know that in México everything is way more expensive and stuff so we do what we can to help out. Like send them clothes that don't fit anymore shoes, money and food. For example my mom’s family was very poor. My mom was one of the unique and responsible ones because she helped my grandma clean the house and cook and also because she is the oldest from the girls. My mom liked studding and going to school but unfortunaly my grandpa didn't want my mom to go to school so my mom dropped out and started working en una maquila witch is a factory. She got papyed like 25 cents an hour. All her ciblings lived in the same house and had to help get money to buy food and clothing. Until my grandpa came to the U.S to work to make money to feed his family and my grandma was pregnant. My grandma had to do lots of things by herself. Since she lives on a hill she had to go to the river and wash clothes on rocks. She had to carry buckets of water up the hill go walking to the stores and walk back home and up the hill. She had to walk everywhere because they were too poor to afford a car.

My grandma had so much work she didn’t sleep until like 4 because people had tried to get in the house. She cooked cleaned and gave birth alone it was very hard for her. When my grandma was young she took sowing classes. And at home on her free time she made doll dresses and blankets. My grandma was a very sufisticated and strong woman. Sadly she only studied up to the fifth grade and couldn't get a carrer.But she would practically worked anywhere to get money to put food on the table. She worked cleaning a farm and took care of the farm. Until her kids grew up and all got married and moved out and almost all her kids came to the United States. Except for my anti. The smallest one of all. My uncle "the oldest one" got my grandparents papers so they could come and go to the United States.

Monday, March 22, 2010

True Love!!

Well according to me im in love with sergio. When i am beside him i feel so happy that nothing can upset me. He makes me feel so great. I love him soo much and he says that to me too. When i  see him i feel butterfly's it feels like my heart is going to pop out of my chest!! I know we have had some problems but i mean all people have problems not just us. But problems come and go! So we try not to fight at all. Sergio and i have been together for a YEAR!!!!
He has told me that he dosn't have to fake his personality around me. He says,"i can be myself and i feel accepted." Well i actually do accept him for who he is. He also accepts me for who i am. We don't need presents to make us happy we just need to be in eachothers arms.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wisdom quotes

To aquire knowlege, one must study but to aquire wisdom one must observe.
-Marilyn Vos Savvant

A single conversation with a wise man is better than 10 years of study.
-Chinese Proverb

We become to love not by findinng a perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
-Sam Keen

To teach is to understand. To learn is wisdom. To learn together is understanding wisdom.
-Sid Mendenhall

Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don't quit.
-Conrad Hilton

One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything.
-Georg.c Lichtenberg

A man is wise with the wisdom of his time only, and ignorant with its ignorance.
-Henry David Thoreau

You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
-Naguib Mahfouz

Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences.
-Norman Cousins

Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself.
-Oprah Winfrey

Friday, March 12, 2010

The kid that was saving starfish

  Today i read a story about a kid saving starfish. The kid was throwing the starfish back in the water before the sun went down. He was saving so many starfish so they would't go extinct. In his situation sadly he could not save all of them because their was thousands of them by the sea shore. But he made a change to the ones he put in the water so the fish would not die.
I have never been in a situation like this but i have seen movies and storys related to something kind of like this. I would have done the same thing to these if i ever was in a situation like this. The little boy that was throwing the starfish back in the water is verry kind and is trying to keep animals from going extinct.
 This story to me means that he was making a move in this world by not letting them go extinct. Atleast he saved one starfish which made a diffrence to that one.
I do not have the place in this world as that little kid did. He took some of his time of his free time to save a starfishes life which is really nice.
My prespective of this picture is that it's not only a picture but that half of those starfish are dieing everyday!
That's really horrible. This story makes me see more than a picture of starfish but makes me want to write a story about it.

The great debaters

When I saw this move I recognized something. Something very interesting and that happened in the past is affecting us right now. The great debaters are a true story that's how we have a black president right now! I didn't know this happened and is the reason why Obama is our president.
It is amazing how these men and young lady debated and won even though their black and knowing there was so much racism. They made a move in this world know what's your move??
I think that the move “the Great Debaters” Is something that everybody should remember.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Health care, new financial regulations and energy legislation are pending in Congress and today President Obama is hearing about a new immigration bill. A group of immigration activists met during the lunch hour with President Obama, who spoke with two senators seeking to forge an immigration deal on Capitol Hill. "Americans have rejected amnesty in 2006 and 2007," King said,"and they will reject it again if the Obama Administration tries to force it upon them. It is wrong to reward immigration law breakers."http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2010/03/obama-gets-pressed-on-immigration-issue/1

Thursday, March 4, 2010

With this drawing of Diego Rivera makes me think of how we have to stand alone in this world. No one is their alway to protect us and tell us what to do. We have the choice to do what we want in this world. When we brake down no one is their to pick up the pieces. We have to stand up for ourselfs.

Diego Rivera

This painting to me makes me think about imigrant people because their are the ones who work hard and don't really get amything out of it. It really touches me because i know people who don't even have a place to live or anything to eat, and thats one of the reasons we come to the united states to have a better life style. Just because imigrants didn't have a chance to study or anything we should atleast be able to come to the united states to live a better life. This remindes me of my mom.