Friday, October 1, 2010

Assignment 6 "I DREAM A WORLD"

I dream a world were all family would reunite. Where peace lives within us. I dream a world with no racisum and harsh judgment upon us.You will never be undeer peer pressure. No one will take advantage of your inoccence. I wish to live in a world were everybody is respected and not judged by lower classed people or higher class people.Because no one starts at the top you go from the bottem to the top just like you go from left to right not the other way around. Don't judge by apperence for example if you see an old lady walking down the street your probably thinking that old jag. But you never know how she was when she was your age. She could have been very popular back in her day. I personally know how it feels like to be judged bullied and threathend to be jumped. I personally think that i have been through hell but that's not a reason to give up on life. I have learned it the hard way. I have learned to treat people how you want to be treated i have also learned that by your actions your showing people how you want to be treated. If you don't respect yourself that shows that you can't respect others and you bring around negative people when you have that type of body language. If you don't stand up for yourself then that shows people a sign of weekness and that's why you end up getting bullied or bothered. You make your life how you want it like when people say my life sucks well duuhh because your making it suck. I wish to live in a world full of mistakes.Because if it wern't for mistakes we wouldn't learn from our faliures so our mistakes can he;p up become better people. That's why i strongly belive in carma. I think carma exists so that we can learn our lessonwe don't know how much something hurts until it has been done to us. Because when your going out withsome one and you cheat on them. They get all woonded  and sad. You just feel bad and are all uhh whatever. But when it  happens to you that's when you start biching. I dream a world were i can sees the day.. I dream a world where their is no hunger or homless people. Always do good because you ccan never betray your own being. You can do anything. No one can betray their own shadow. I want to bettermyself that's why i don't let go of my childhood dreams i set the bar higher. I dream a world of open minded people.If your an oppen minded person you can be pursuade and see things in another way. Like they say Hey mabe the grass is greener on the other side...